
Most Comfortable Strap

I think Mully Searches the forum for straps to plug his Superman Strap. I'm going to test this sometime and post like, "I'm really STRAPped for cash," and see if he chimes in.

:toothy11:  Not poking fun, promise!  :occasion14:
Back when I was a young lad, and my Pa gave me my first store-bought geetar - it didn't come with a strap.  So Pa went out and cut a length of barbed wire and hammered it into that geetar......and it was good, 'cause it was all we had.  That's the way in was in those days - you made do with what was at hand   :dontknow:    

Seriously......get whatever works best for you.  What's $100-$200 IF you need it (nerve damage), or you're going to use it for years because you like it and it makes you look good (at least in your mind  :laughing7:  ).  Me?  I'll just keep buying my Planet Waves straps every 6 months so I can get a newer and purdier color/style  
Actually, this is an excpetionally comfortable strap!


Its my fav strap currently.
mullyman said:
My third strap is a custom order that I got from a lady in Australia. On a side note, she made the suitcases that Clark Kent carried in Superman Returns. That strap is leather and cobra skin. Here's a link to her page with my strap on it.


It says that it's 2 3/4 wide but I think it's wider than that.

Those straps are cool, and if I had infinite amounts of money I would buy one, but they are kinda spendy.

TBurst Std said:
Actually, this is an excpetionally comfortable strap!


Its my fav strap currently.
Wow. A strap made of wood! Does it feel like those wooden massage things that you see at the back store?
Jet-Jaguar said:
TBurst Std said:
Actually, this is an excpetionally comfortable strap!


Its my fav strap currently.
Wow. A strap made of wood! Does it feel like those wooden massage things that you see at the back store?

Somewhat. It really is super comfortable.
Yeah, I really wish they would make Comfort Strapps that weren't so boring looking, but the comfort and durability are more important to me, so whatever.  Maybe I'll make a cover for mine to dress it up a little.
hannaugh said:
Yeah, I really wish they would make Comfort Strapps that weren't so boring looking, but the comfort and durability are more important to me, so whatever.  Maybe I'll make a cover for mine to dress it up a little.

Craftiness FTW!  :icon_thumright:
i posted this somewhere else on this board as well...

i love my Jaykco Straps.
and with all due respect to “knucklehead G”… I own 4 Jaykco Straps and all of them are amazing. I have played guitar for over 20 years and have never had a strap that was as cool looking or comfortable.
For the record I play hard and sweat a lot when I am on stage… and my straps have not suffered any more than a regular leather strap.
I don’t know where “KG” is coming from…  and having not seen his strap… all I can tell you is that the ones I have are all incredibly well made. They don’t feel homemade… be the defiantly feel HANDMADE. The way something feel when its made just right. The sewing on all of mine are amazing… so I’m not sure what to say about that comment. Some of the designs are not my cup of tea… but the hippie straps blow me away. They are all really cool to me.

The suede backing on each strap is designed to NOT shift around while you are playing. This has been great for my SG which is notorious for being headstock heavy as the strap holds the guitar in place on my shoulder.  If you need a strap to slip and slide look elsewhere but I got used to it and now wish I could afford to have one Jaykco for each of my guitars.

Anyway YMMV. But this company has been awesome to work with and will clearly do any custom variations you might need.



BEAUTIFUL  :occasion14:
Hey Doughboy, sounds like the strap may not be the true source of your problem. My sister is an occupational therapist, and from what she tells me the strap may relieve some of your problems, but its probably worth seeing a doctor about this if its extreme pain.
Faster_Horses said:
i posted this somewhere else on this board as well...

i love my Jaykco Straps.
and with all due respect to “knucklehead G”… I own 4 Jaykco Straps and all of them are amazing. I have played guitar for over 20 years and have never had a strap that was as cool looking or comfortable.
For the record I play hard and sweat a lot when I am on stage… and my straps have not suffered any more than a regular leather strap.
I don’t know where “KG” is coming from…  and having not seen his strap… all I can tell you is that the ones I have are all incredibly well made. They don’t feel homemade… be the defiantly feel HANDMADE. The way something feel when its made just right. The sewing on all of mine are amazing… so I’m not sure what to say about that comment. Some of the designs are not my cup of tea… but the hippie straps blow me away. They are all really cool to me.

The suede backing on each strap is designed to NOT shift around while you are playing. This has been great for my SG which is notorious for being headstock heavy as the strap holds the guitar in place on my shoulder.  If you need a strap to slip and slide look elsewhere but I got used to it and now wish I could afford to have one Jaykco for each of my guitars.

Anyway YMMV. But this company has been awesome to work with and will clearly do any custom variations you might need.

Did you register for this forum just to necropost in these old threads? What did you do, run a Google search for "Jaykco" and come here to challenge me to a duel or something? I love the company dude, and I'll stick by that, I'm just not satisfied with the product. We appreciate your input, but posting this once is probably enough.
nexrex said:
Hey Doughboy, sounds like the strap may not be the true source of your problem. My sister is an occupational therapist, and from what she tells me the strap may relieve some of your problems, but its probably worth seeing a doctor about this if its extreme pain.

You're 100% correct. I've been going to a massage therapist & my problem is a lot better. The same old strap I've been using forever doesn't cause the painit used to, soit was definitely nerve compression.
hannaugh said:
I have one of these: www.comfortstrapp.com

It is AMAZING.  It has a gel pad under the nylon.  I'll never buy anything else because everything else is uncomfortable by comparison, including my expensive suede leather strap. 

I have one very similar to that and love it!!!!!!!!
I'm quite fond of the Comfot Strapp, but my favourite at the moment is one I had made from Tender Loving Covers. They're a small company that make custom wide straps out of Neoprene. I like my guitar to sit at a high angle (about 30 degrees from vertical), so I asked to have the wide neoprene start closer to the end than usual.
CrackedPepper said:
I lile these:  http://www.leathersmithdesigns.com/personalized-guitar-straps-script.htm

The sheepskin shoulder lining is worth the extra $$

Thanks for the link - gonna order one of these on payday:

Just got this strap in today, beautiful, comfy and functional. First glance says it's well worth what I paid for it. Unless it comes apart at the seams this was a solid buy. Thanks, CrackedPepper!
for me its about width, more pressure over a wider area is MUCH comfier.

i got my strap for like £15 and it was sold as a bass guitar strap... i didnt care its by far one of the most comfiet straps ive used.

something similar to this
The Levy's PM32 is about 3 inches wide of glove leather, with good padding.

I'm partial to the Eyeland Enterprises straps that have a tad more padding, and the adjustable part of the strap conceals inside the main part of the strap.

The Sedona, at the bottom, http://www.eyelandenterprises.com/html/straps.html


The Plush, down near the bottom.
