
Most beautiful Showcase body EVER

Alas, as soon as someone realized that it didn't really matter what shape a solid body electric guitar body was, some doofus decided to start making them out of toilet seats.  And because doofus appears to be hardwired into the human genetic code, dozens, nay, hundreds of doofuses "discover" anew the "humor" of the toilet seat electric guitar.

Ah, well.

If there was any doubt, I'm feeling grinch-y today.  Sorry.

Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
I saw those, or something similar, at a guitar show awhile back.  I would distress mine personally.

With enough sit'ins it'll distress itself  :icon_jokercolor:
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
I saw those, or something similar, at a guitar show awhile back.  I would distress mine personally.

If your wife is cool with the idea, leave the seat down when you piss. It will take on a nice yellow glow like aged Nitro in no time at all.
line6man said:
If your wife is cool with the idea, leave the seat down when you piss. It will take on a nice yellow glow like aged Nitro in no time at all.

Hehe! Reminds me of my first wife. We were very young and stupid, so she foolishly thought she could change my behavior.

Typical argument...

Her: Why won't you put the seat down!?!
Me: Why won't you put the seat up?
Her: Well, it's damned inconsiderate, if you ask me!
Me: Who asked you?
Her: I'm just sayin', goddammit! I sat down last night and damn near fell in!
Me: Don't you watch where you put your bare ass?
Her: I shouldn't have to in my own house!

So, I divorced her.
Cagey said:
Typical argument...

Her: Why won't you put the seat down!?!
Me: Why won't you put the seat up?
Her: Well, it's damned inconsiderate, if you ask me!
Me: Who asked you?
Her: I'm just sayin', goddammit! I sat down last night and damn near fell in!
Me: Don't you watch where you put your bare ass?
Her: I shouldn't have to in my own house!

So, I divorced her.

The funny part is .... That very same conversation, happens all around this tiny planet called Earth  :icon_biggrin:
No doubt.

I have my own bathroom now, and I still only touch the seat when I absolutely have to adjust for the current need. They're filthy things, no matter how often you clean them, and I clean a LOT. Bathrooms and kitchens are hotbeds of bacterial activity. If you never clean anything else, you have to pay attention to those two places.
I only lift the seat when it's necessary, which isn't all that often since I only vacate by bladder twice a day and half those times I'm already sitting down.
It's clear that you're not drinking enough beer. What kind of example are you setting for your kids? Next thing you know, they'll be drinking "Appletinis" or "Melon Balls". Then what will you do?
Cagey said:
It's clear that you're not drinking enough beer. What kind of example are you setting for your kids? Next thing you know, they'll be drinking "Appletinis" or "Melon Balls". Then what will you do?

And you aren't drinking enough bourbon!  :laughing7:
That's true!

But, I tend to stay away from the hard stuff because I'll drink it like beer, and nobody can tolerate that for very long. I'm not afraid of dying, but I'm not in any hurry <grin>
We're 3 bachelors sharing a house, so there's no seat up/down issue. My question for the ladies is; why can't you use your hands? If you need it down, and it's in the upright position, it takes very little effort to lower it. I am expected to raise it when you (the lady in question) inconsiderately leave it down.

This is one of the many reasons why I'm still (blissfully) single.

If I had my way in the world. All toilet seats would be spring-loaded to automatically pop up. One would have to hold it down to sit.  :evil4:
Torment Leaves Scars said:

As much as I'm on the pot, I'd have it looking like a relic in no time!  :help:

One thing's for sure - you don't want to buy it if it was already reliced by someone else:

anorakDan said:
We're 3 bachelors sharing a house, so there's no seat up/down issue. My question for the ladies is; why can't you use your hands? If you need it down, and it's in the upright position, it takes very little effort to lower it. I am expected to raise it when you (the lady in question) inconsiderately leave it down.

This is one of the many reasons why I'm still (blissfully) single.

If I had my way in the world. All toilet seats would be spring-loaded to automatically pop up. One would have to hold it down to sit.  :evil4:
Ah, you mean like the ones in How I Met Your Mother? I did a Google search to find if they make them. Sad day, they don't...