MojoTone Quiet Coils


Hero Member
I think it was last year MojoTone launched their entry into the hum canceling strat pickup market. I had a set of their '58 Quiet Coils with hot bridge installed in one of my guitars with the recommended 500K pots and treble bleed kit.

Got my guitar back yesterday and my impression is very favorable. No hum canceling option is going to exactly match a full on single coil (maybe the Illitch backplate because you don't have to change your existing pick ups) but I would describe the MojoTone's as ballsy and textured, which is an accomplishment. I like them and find that they have (for me) plenty of the normal, single coilness dynamic I would expect. Also, I have never been much of a position 2 and 4 guy but the bridge/middle setting on these just shimmers like there is no tomorrow. I could play chords all day on that setting. And they are indeed quiet pickups.

I will not rule out another set of these. Supposedly they went with a side by side coil design to make them humbucking and they fit my guitar as is. The pole pieces are not functional but are there for appearance. They also make a '67 set which supposedly is a bit more rock oriented. But I would give these a thumbs up for anyone who has checked them out online. Listen to various sound samples for them.

I'm not forgiving with pickups, I have to really like them or they come out. These are staying in.
Thanks for the review....very timely for me. I've been seriously considering the '67 set for an Uli Roth/Hendrix kind of vibe. From what I've read, the 58's are more of a muscular SRV type thing.
double A said:
Thanks for the review....very timely for me.

VERY well timed review indeed! I was just looking at the Mojotone '56 quiet coil P-90's! Thanks for posting. :icon_thumright:
double A said:
Thanks for the review....very timely for me. I've been seriously considering the '67 set for an Uli Roth/Hendrix kind of vibe. From what I've read, the 58's are more of a muscular SRV type thing.

They are quite responsive to questions about the Quiet Coils, I would suggest emailing rather than calling as I emailed and got routed well and responded to by I think the manager of the pickup group. According to them the '67s are a bit more rock oriented and the '58s are supposedly a bit more Fendery. So far I agree the '58s are Fendery in a nice way but I do describe them as ballsy and textured, which is a huge plus in my book. Definitely good for what I try to do, which is primarily blues.