I'm not a fan of it. Would rather use real Tung Oil (google 100 percent tung oil).
However, the Minwax stuff is a fortified varnish. Not totally unlike TruOil. It has lots of petro-chems in it. Just take a little whiff of it. Read the label.
Pure Tung Oil is fantastic, but very very slow working stuff.
I've personally experienced more than a few necks that got "the gummies" from fortified varnishes, and had to strip them for folks. On thought, if you want a fast, nearly foolproof finish, you can get fast dry, or super fast dry polyurethane. I've used that on counter tops, even this wood counter I built for my 'puter desk (and assorted other stuff). Dries hard in an hour, and is cured enough to walk on it, in 24 hours. Can be sanded like lacquer (to dust), and leveled and buffed. But its a poly finish, and you wanted oil?