
mini toggle tone circuit


Just finished a h/h jazzmaster.
Vol/tone/3 way switch/mini toggle tone circuit
I wanted two diff. Value tone caps, one for neck and one for bridge.
.015 and .022
The mini toggle works great. On/off/on
The center position is off which bypasses the tone.
Really easy to wire up and sounds good.
This can be done with a DPDT On/On/On, externally jumpered to SP3T, as well. The DPDT On/On/On mini toggles are usually easier to find.
That's cool. I didn't have any trouble finding the on/off/on. Two cool things about this setup is that 1. You can use either cap on either pickup. 2. You have tone on or off with the flip of the switch.
I used an on/on/on  with a one pickup bass - .015, .033 and the middle adds them to .048. It was an EMG-HZ pickup, very bright, and they recommend a .047, but it was fretless and short-scale so I wanted to make sure I could get some kind of presence there. It works.