
MIM Strat = Firewood Strat


Senior Member
Hello all....been a crazy busy summer and I haven't had a chance to get on here in a while. In my absense however I've managed to squeeze in another refinish. So I took this 1997 MIM Strat in on a trade and it was lake placid blue (sorry to those of you who like that color) but I just couldnt deal with it. I figured old Driftwood Strat could use some company so the refinishing began. As I started to sand the body that seemed as though it was dipped in plastic it became apparent that this was a 3 piece body with some sort of laminate top. Well, I couldn't stain in and have all the pieces looking different so I tried a different approach.....make it look as though it was burnt, hell, why not. It took some time to stain areas dark, lighter and really light but I'm pleased with the final result. What I couldn't believe is how good it now sounds acoustically without all that poly on it....that poly was smothering the guitars tone. Anyways, nice to be back and here are some pics. BTW....I just took another strat in on trade.....what will become of it :toothy12:


Welcome back. Wow, that looks crazy. In a good way. Great work. Did you seal the wood with anything after the burning process.  :o
the body was all done with stain and different sanding techniques....no burning on the body, just wanted it to look burnt. although its a semi dull finish it has 7 coats of tung oil and as smooth as glass. I did flame the headstock a bit then polished.
I approve!  Nice job.  Not your everyday "flame" strat, by any stretch - and in a good way!
Allow me to pile onto the bandwagon: Nice job! It looks really cool. I've never seen anything quite like that, so I commend your originality (from my vantage).
Thanks for the compliments guys :icon_biggrin: with my driftwood strat and now this one.....I think I see a patern here. The strat I just got last week is like a royal blue almost purple looking, its a nice looking guitar b-u-t......its getting refinished too, once I figure out what I want to do with it and unfortunately that doesn't happen until its completely saned. It has a maple neck/fretboard so I gotta keep that in mind.
Yes sir, I'm keeping the woodshed theme going ....and will continue with it on the next one I'm starting over the weekend.
I actually really dig that royal blue - I used to have a bowling ball that color.  :icon_thumright:
I agree....it's not bad.....it's my OCD thats the problem. If I have a shinny painted guitar I'll be polishing and wiping it off all the time and not playing it. Back when I played acoustics I had a couple high end guitars that I swear I spent more time worrying about finger prints or a possible scratch than I did playing them. So once I switched over to electrics I decided to go the total opposite and havent looked back. with the finishises I have on my guitars they don't leave fingerprints and I don't care if it gets a ding or ten....it's been great. But after I took the blue strat in on a trade I came home that night and took it all apart and cleaned/polished it. I sat there playing it and wiping it off with my t-shirt....thats when I decided it's getting refinished too.
so i'm not the only anti-shinny guy around here then. It's getting taken apart and stripped this weekend....wonder what this wood will look like...hummm.
scartozi said:
so i'm not the only anti-shinny guy around here then. It's getting taken apart and stripped this weekend....wonder what this wood will look like...hummm.
I just aged the knobs and pickup covers a little more this evening......I'll take some pics tomorrow. I guess I need to install some copper shielding, it has quite a bit of buzz. Although its a MIM stratthe previous ownerdid install new pots and fender custom shop pickups.
along with aging the knobs and pickup covers I  "Ebonized" the fretboard. Looks much better black than rosewood.....goes with theme much better.  :icon_biggrin: