
Micromesh/Steel Wool technique


Junior Member
Shortly I'll be doing the final finishing of my alder j-bass, which has been finished with Tru-oil and has been curing for the last couple of weeks.  I have some Micromesh pads and some #0000 steel wool for that final step, and I'm wondering if this late stage in the process demands a different technique than the with-the-grain technique of regular sanding.  Should I stick with the grain, or is it better to use a random pattern, circular motion, or some other technique when using Micromesh or steel wool?  My plan is to use the Mircomesh pads first, with a water/Murphy's oil soap mix as described on the Stewmac site (http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Finishing_supplies/Abrasives,_polishes,_buffers/Micro-Mesh_Finishing_Abrasives_Kit.html?tab=Articles#details), then see how things look, and if I'm feeling like having a more satin finish, using the steel wool.