
Michael Bolton Is Back

I believe Bruce K was a first-call studio guy for a lot of folks before he joined Kiss, and ever since then as well.


Does anybody else think that Michael Bolton as Erin Brockovich just looks like Sarah Jessica Parker without makeup?
That video is just to funny, I knew it was out there but had hoped it was buried so deep we would never have the ability to find it again.

what ever we think of Ole MB, his is rich because of it. And bottom line he is laughing at all of us putting him down as he drives his big car into the garage of his big house and checks his huge bank account. and thinks of all the trim he got in the day, as we sit back and try to figure how we are going to pay the bills and save enough money to go on vacation, pay for the repairs the car needs and wonder if the wife will give us any this weekend .

Selling out has it's prize, and boy look at him live it. OH, did I mention we go to work 5 days a week and he sleeps late and owns no alarm clock.