


Master Member
This is my latest project.  It is an alder body that is my ELENOR!  This will be the 4th finish attempt.  The first was a burst that I did not like.  The second was an attempt at using gold leaf (nitro will gum the leaf and adhesive BTW), the third was a purple burst that did not look right. 

This will incorporate the metal grate seen here.  I am going for an industrial look.  We shall see.  4th time is the charm I hope.


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When you say "incorporate", do you mean you're going to make it a part of the top, or use it as a template/stencil for a masked top paint pattern?
Yeah, what Kevin asked. Are you planning on inlaying the metal into the top? Screw it on like a pickguard? Use it as a template like a lace finish? Tell us more!  :headbang4:
I was going to route out the top of the body, but this is SO thin it is not worth the time or risk of me screwing it up.  I will cut it to shape and use like a pick guard.  I just have to work on the body a bit now to get it smooth.  I am not looking for a perfect finish but it is pretty rough now.

I eased the edges with a router and painted a base.  I have also used some shellac to fill in the gain a bit.  Sanding tomorrow and more color.