
March Submissions - Guitar of the Month Contest (14 entries)

Sad thing is that was one of the better pics I took. :icon_tongue:  Everytime I look at it I just want to blow it off, but I can't. Too late. (I fought the cat, and the cat won)
graceshredder said:
I have to admit . . . that is some seriously talented woodwork on Felipeak's Tele.  Nicely done, my friend.

Thanks a lot!!!! carving was almost as hard as this month's GOM.
Congratulations to the other 8 guitars.....I don't remember a month with such building level. :icon_thumright:
Firebird said:
Sad thing is that was one of the better pics I took. :icon_tongue:  Everytime I look at it I just want to blow it off, but I can't. Too late. (I fought the cat, and the cat won)
thats funny because when I saw it I tried to brush my screen and was cussing the cat for walking over my laptop
felipeak said:
graceshredder said:
I have to admit . . . that is some seriously talented woodwork on Felipeak's Tele.  Nicely done, my friend.

Thanks a lot!!!! carving was almost as hard as this month's GOM.
Congratulations to the other 8 guitars.....I don't remember a month with such building level. :icon_thumright:
that top is insane, Seriously I cannot even think of voting yet as I see the work in that and I am so torn, I look at some of the others and I am equally torn, seriously I think this month every one of those guitars have features on them that set them out front. It is going be a hard month to chose, but your Tele is in the top of my list.
Seriously, from matching the switch knob to 2 of the pickups, to wood selection, wood work, carrying out design concepts, hardware choices, control types, I could go on

but each and every one of these guitars are over the top. I think to be entered in this months GOTM is an award in itself, because someone is going to win, and it is sad that they all do not.

Good work to all.

Now I need to take some acid so I can claim my mind was befuddled by drugs when I voted and I do not offend someone.
To me this is like December's contest. A ton of really superbly done instruments, but one that just stands alone for its sheer originality and masterful execution of that originality. It's really not about voting though, it's about drooling over eye candy.
Jusatele said:
Seriously, from matching the switch knob to 2 of the pickups, to wood selection, wood work, carrying out design concepts, hardware choices, control types, I could go on

but each and every one of these guitars are over the top. I think to be entered in this months GOTM is an award in itself, because someone is going to win, and it is sad that they all do not.

Good work to all.

Now I need to take some acid so I can claim my mind was befuddled by drugs when I voted and I do not offend someone.

Print out each axe, hang them on a wall, take the acid,   :tard: crank up Pink Floyd . . . the guitar that starts to dance first gets your vote! :icon_biggrin:
can i have a wallpaper for felipeak's tele...

been following this build since it first came out.. the luke blue is just.. HGoeAIjGOJEGPE amazing.;

no seriously.. i want a wallpaper of that tele.
Wow, a lot of great guitars this month I am very impressed.......

I think some of us might have to go back to the Build in Progress Threads and reacquaint ourselves with the efforts put into some of those guitars. Felipeak's for example, I can recall all that carving work shaping the body - excellent work done....And it would be so easy in a month of flamed tops and exotic woods to dismiss it for it's solid blue.

EVERY entrant should take a bow, excellent guitars all!  :blob7: :blob7: :blob7:
I love the solid color of felipeak's guitar, that color is one of a kind.  I gotta thing for blue guitar's though.
Can one of the mods for this edit my submission to use my username here - I'm #6.

Also, my body shot doesn't seem to be loading...

EDIT: It's loading now - not sure what the deal was.
grabby said:
Can one of the mods for this edit my submission to use my username here - I'm #6.

Also, my body shot doesn't seem to be loading...

EDIT: It's loading now - not sure what the deal was.

As a reminder to all entrants - official contest correspondance is made through email to uwfgom@gmail.com

We've also made a minor correction to the rules - which clarifies that submissions should include the forum users name (not just the guitar owners name)

Looks like a rockin' contest so far this month!
My bad. As punishment, kick me out of this month and let me come back in an easier one...  :toothy10: