On paper, its a combination that would work very well sonically . But really, Ive seen a few and they just really do not look at all that good together aesthetically . Its almost as If the gods didnt want it to happen.
I know for a fact the gods frown on Walnut and Maple fretbaord. Its too bright of a combination, wheres Rosewood and Walnut are really nicely matched and look great together.
Actually, the more i think about it, the more i realise i need to order a Pau ferro fingerbaord neck for my Walnut body Strat. Looks great with mahogany , sounds like Maple- feels fantastic to the fingers. Either that or Ebony. Mahogany and Ebony?? Hmmmm..
I know for a fact the gods frown on Walnut and Maple fretbaord. Its too bright of a combination, wheres Rosewood and Walnut are really nicely matched and look great together.
Actually, the more i think about it, the more i realise i need to order a Pau ferro fingerbaord neck for my Walnut body Strat. Looks great with mahogany , sounds like Maple- feels fantastic to the fingers. Either that or Ebony. Mahogany and Ebony?? Hmmmm..