
Looking for pickup routing template and pickguard routing template

cpt. evil

Does anyone know where I can get templates to do a Jake E Lee style pickup configuration (Bridge Humbucker with two slanted single coils)?  Warmoth will not do this I will need to do it myself somehow.  If I had templates I would feel more confident doing it myself.
I'm assuming the concern is with the pickguard rather than the body?

How about ordering a pickguard routed for only one humbucker (bridge), then using a single coil template to route the two single coils in the neck and middle.

Stewmac has templates (1097  For Strat pickguard cutout) like this.

I'm not sure if posting links to "Vendor" websites is OK.
Thank you for the response.  I have considered doing that but I was hoping somebody knew where I could get a template with that configuration.  I'm not a whiz when it comes to woodworking nor do I have a router.
Get Warmoth to do all they can, I guess the bridge HB only. Are you planning to have a "swimming pool" route underneath the slanted singles? So that the pickups fit the wood? Cutting pickup holes in a pickguard is easy, it's pretty soft plastic and any combination of a drill and a keyhole saw will get you close. The biggest problem is that it's too easy to cut, so when you get the holes close to the right size you have to slow down and use a fine wood rasp, and some 220, 320 and 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper wrapped around dowels and files. It's hardest not to cut them too big, you know? Pull the protective plastic off the pickguard (it will just mess you up) and put masking-tape over the outlines you're cutting - draw the outlines on the tape and sand right through it. And tape paper over the entire surface of the pickguard, to keep from scratching it while you work on it.
try looking here for your pickguard  :sign13:                    http://www.pickguardian.com/pickguardian/Custom.htm

write me back and tell me if you think this will work for you.
and here for routing templates . . .http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Tools/Routing_templates.html
Sorry I didn't see this sooner!  If you're still needing help.  I make custom pick gaurds and/or templates!  Just email me if you still need help.
I've done the reverse slant single coil on one of my personal guitars using the stew mac template.  It has centerlines to aid in matching it up on a centerline on the body.  In my case, I had a bookmatched quilted maple top, so the bookmatch acted as the centerline.  Using doublestick tape, I had no issues, it came out very clean.
UTSC said:
Dude! stop posting in every thread, one in the tech section would suffice!

Oh, calm down.  My post had nothing to do with you, and didn't hurt a soul.  The fact is that I do repair guitars, and I do make custom pick guards, and I'm full of all kinds of helpful skills and solutions that relate to Warmoth guitars, and the people who buy their parts, and want a little help getting their product 'just perfect'.

Would you be so mad if I helped you with one of your guitars?

I posted over in the tech section, and it doesn't get alot of traffic.  So I tried getting specific over in the 'tips and tricks" area.  Which is coincidentally, exactly what I have to offer. 

I guess you're mad, because I posted 7 posts that didn't require your opinion.  I didn't ask any questions. 

What I posted certaintly doesn't cause anyone any harm, certaintly not you...so just quit reading my posts, and skim on to the next one.  I've seen much worse elsewhere on this forum.

So...just so I'm REALLY clear about what I'm doing on this forum.  I am a guitar Repairman.  I am running a business that complements Warmoth guitars, i.e. I can help people who buy them, put them together, and fine-tune them.  Then they'll fall in love with them, and buy more.

and as I see it...if people can post questions...then I can post answers that include my help as an offering.

Believe me when I say that you don't have to worry about me posting on 'every thread'.  I happened to have a little time away from the workbench for one afternoon.  It doesn't happen often.

And...what's so different about the posts before, and after mine, that offer other businesses who do what I do?  What if Stewart Macdonald personally posted on this thread that he could make a custom pickguard?  Would you sanction him from making his offer to "1 post in the tech section".  Same with 'Monster Guitar Shop', and 'Guitar Building Templates'?  How about...I'm a real person who in fact, would sit down with you personally, and make you an absolutely killer 'one of a kind', 'any shape or contour' pickgaurd!...or better yet...you could hand me any shape pickguard, and I'll make the guitar to surround it!

Actually, the folks here are generally a group of folks who like to help each other out while building their own custom guitars. For some reason A business coming on here and hijacking a bunch of threads to promote their business just gets on a few nerves.  We get it.  You repair guitars.  Ok.  So do lot's of other folks here.  If you would like to offer actual advice to these guys I'm sure they would love to hear it.  "Give me your money and let me do it" is not the kind of advice most people on this board are looking for.
guitlouie said:
Actually, the folks here are generally a group of folks who like to help each other out while building their own custom guitars. For some reason A business coming on here and hijacking a bunch of threads to promote their business just gets on a few nerves.  We get it.  You repair guitars.  Ok.  So do lot's of other folks here.  If you would like to offer actual advice to these guys I'm sure they would love to hear it.  "Give me your money and let me do it" is not the kind of advice most people on this board are looking for.

This pretty much echos my own thoughts.  It's bad form to be flogging your services in every thread.  You've put your single out, which is fine, but don't chat yourself up in every post you make.

On another note, if you're in the ottawa area and are having problems with your amp, just give me a call!! :icon_biggrin:
thanks for backing me up guys, i just don't want to see this forum turn into one big advertisement.
UTSC said:
thanks for backing me up guys, i just don't want to see this forum turn into one big advertisement.
That being said...
Warmoth makes some nice guitar parts... Anybody interested?
guitlouie said:
Actually, the folks here are generally a group of folks who like to help each other out while building their own custom guitars. For some reason A business coming on here and hijacking a bunch of threads to promote their business just gets on a few nerves.  We get it.  You repair guitars.  Ok.  So do lot's of other folks here.  If you would like to offer actual advice to these guys I'm sure they would love to hear it.  "Give me your money and let me do it" is not the kind of advice most people on this board are looking for.

Do you repair guitars?

My original answer 'echoed' actual advice, that was just as helpful as the guys before and after me that said...go see this website that makes pickgaurds.  I, infact, am not a website..but an actual person that has skills in making pickgaurds, and fixing/building guitars.  In any case, these posts would involve the person to offer money for services. Some people get to a point that they would rather pay somebody qualified to fix the problem their facing, than screw it up, or make it worse.  I've spent many years honing my skills in many areas, so that I can have a business that can serve many of the people on this board.

For every problem that is posted here...somebody makes money in fixing.  Along side any or all of my posts are plenty of people giving advice...including myself in many cases, that is free.

I also keep getting the post that says that I'm answering 'EVERY' post with an advertisement or 'HIJACKING?'.  Are you guys (the ones hasseling me) stupid enough that you can't realize that I made a limited number of posts (maybe 7 or so) over a 1 day period...now reverting to 3 days to defend myself.  Seriously...look at your total number of posts compared to mine.  Do you guys live on here?  Is a day job involved?  Do you have women in your life?

What do you do for a living?
How do you get business?
Do you do it by spending day after day giving out free advice, and never telling the recieving person that you work for a company...or own a company...that just happens to specialize in your field of work?

And let me tell you something else...if you were just a bunch of people building your own custom guitars, and don't need any 'BUSINESS' to help you...then why are YOU here!  In case you didn't notice Warmoth Guitars is a very successfull BUSINESS, and they built this forum, so you could get solutions to things that they don't need to bother with, but that I choose to bother with.

If even one of the people hasseling me has ever got a FREE answer off these boards to any of their questions, then they OWE somebody!

What...do you think that the people 'with the answers' don't come on here with some sort of 'motive'.  Is everybody just a 'Nice person' that wants for you to build your awesome guitar by sucking away their years worth of knowledge for 'NOTHING'

I think that if everybody on this board...who had 'no motive', but just did this for fun...quit posting...you would have a board full of a million questions...and few answers.

I will admit that a few of you are here out of pure desire...with no motives...and to me...that is great.

But...I read the posts before I respond, and most of what I see are people referencing some sort of website for service.  I happen to reference myself.

I guess, to teach you a lesson, that I hope that those hasseling me, will find that they 'cannot' find anybody to help them in their time of need.  You will walk out your door to find the nearest and dearest guitar tech, and you'll find out that he doesn't exist, because its a sin to collect money for servicing somebody's guitar.  It's totally wrong to offer advice, and also your business email...and that it's not your fault...you're just a down home 'custom guitar builder'...er...who needs help...free help.  AND...if you're going to use any solicited service...it better be a website...cause 'real' guitar techs are jerks for giving away FREE advice, in hopes of maybe giving some PAID services.

Seriously guys...grow some brains...I dare you.

If even one of the people hasseling me has ever got a FREE answer off these boards to any of their questions, then they OWE somebody!

What...do you think that the people 'with the answers' don't come on here with some sort of 'motive'.  Is everybody just a 'Nice person' that wants for you to build your awesome guitar by sucking away their years worth of knowledge for 'NOTHING'

I think that if everybody on this board...who had 'no motive', but just did this for fun...quit posting...you would have a board full of a million questions...and few answers.

I will admit that a few of you are here out of pure desire...with no motives...and to me...that is great.

But...I read the posts before I respond, and most of what I see are people referencing some sort of website for service.

I fully support the right of anyone to solicit business within reason, but the above is offensive to me personally, as it does actively insult my motive and character.

If even one of the people hasseling me has ever got a FREE answer off these boards to any of their questions, then they OWE somebody!

No one owes me anything for advice I have given or informational websites I have referenced.

What...do you think that the people 'with the answers' don't come on here with some sort of 'motive'.  Is everybody just a 'Nice person' that wants for you to build your awesome guitar by sucking away their years worth of knowledge for 'NOTHING'
I enjoy helping people build their dream guitars, and I enjoy giving away knowledge. Greed is not the highest power of all, as you may or may not come to realize, clutching your purse as you lie on your deathbed, fondling your coins as you die, gaunt, bitter & all alone. :sad1:

I think that if everybody on this board...who had 'no motive', but just did this for fun...quit posting...you would have a board full of a million questions...and few answers.
It would help if you paid better attention before reaching your sweeping conclusions. Evidence is a good tool for reasoning....

I will admit that a few of you are here out of pure desire...with no motives...and to me...that is great.
Thanks! :hello2:

But...I read the posts before I respond, and most of what I see are people referencing some sort of website for service.
"Most?" Again, read more posts... I see a lot of nonsense, and a lot of bad advice - hell, I post a lot of nonsense (hopefully good advice though). This can be frustrating, when you've spent twenty and thirty or more years fixing, repairing and building guitars - sure. However, some of us do try to steer the young ones towards better advice, or even towards mental processes that lead to a better-built guitar. Sarcasm is fine by me, if it leads towards the dude getting a better guitar, and only if....

How did YOU start? Knowing everything - or not? Should others be allowed to start out by not knowing much, or do they all "owe" you a living?  :icon_scratch:

And, as many of us choose not to watch TV, play video games, drink (excessively...) or fondle our clacking little purses, but instead like to play music and build guitars AND HELP OTHERS OUT OF THE KINDNESS OF OUR OWN FOOKING TWISTED LITTLE NON-FOOKING-GUILTY LITTLE HEARTS, your questioning our commitments to our day jobs and families is out of line. Dude.

Do you guys live on here?  Is a day job involved?  Do you have women in your life?
And what of it? :hello2: Have you been here long enough to know that there are at least three full-time builders, giving away their knowledge for free? And at least three others who could go full time, if it actually paid better than their (lucrative, easy) day jobs? There is a gent here who works in the field of industrial finishing, his hobby is going into his umpteen-thousands-$$$ spray booth and making immaculate original and copy finishes - he knows more about guitar finishing that you'll ever want to know, and that's fine - it's not your business to question his motives for enjoying his time the way he sees fit. Hell, some of us like to write - I'm so sorry.... Have you ever been the beneficiary of some free materials (thanx, CB!) or had an forumite buy something for you you couldn't get yourself - not because there's a profit in it, but because they're merely human? Well, no, I guess not...

As far as I'm concerned, you're WELCOME here, but it's a darn good idea to get the lay of the land before issuing your imperial proclamations condemning the natives & issuing regulations for our proper conduct (sarcasm is fine by me, if it leads to better process.... :toothy12:)

(Oonga Boonga!... Bwana, the natives are HONGRY!) :party07:
Nicely said Stubhead.

and to Mr Stockwell:  Statements like "Seriously guys...grow some brains...I dare you."  does not win any respect from anyone anywhere, let alone from the fine folks in this group.  I suggest you grow up some, get some experience in what you do, and listen to what folks here have to say.  Trust me:  You'll learn something.