
Looking for a les paul template! What woods?


Junior Member
A buddy and I would like to build a les paul from scratch. I saw a guy who just traced a les paul template onto a piece of wood and built it all from scratch. Where could I find a good template for this project?
Sweet man looks good, im usually on the forums on my phone, but when i get on the pc, how do I print this up to scale?
Try a copy shop - Kinkos/Fedex Office will have a printer that can do the job, or any local copy operation that caters to the legal community. 
I have a buddy that works at the saw mill in my town, and occasionally has access to Hard Maple, Soft Maple, Hard and Soft Ash, possibly some Walnut, not sure what else, but would all of these be feasible ideas for a homeade LP body? I will order strips of ebony or something for the fretboard(s).
These two sites are the motherloads of templates. They duplicate each other a lot, pages drift in and out, no guarantees but if you hang on to these two it'll help:



There's been so many Tele and Strat contours from Fender over the years, if anybody asks for the real one, you can only say which real one...