
Let Me In Tomorrow Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hero Member
Soooooooooo psyched for Let Me In!!!!! (USA remake of Let the Right One In), in theaters tomorrow night. Twilight can SUCK ON . . . . uh, well, HA.  :cool01:

Let the Right One In is the most epic-est vampire flick ever! watch it FIRST, then go see the remake. Best cinematography I've seen in quite some time.

Any other fans on here?
Agreed.  Let the right one in is a great flick.  The best part is how the ending makes you rethink the entire relationship portrayed in the film.  My wife has pretty low expectations as the trailers for the remake look a little to mid-budget modern horror, but I have hope. 
it is getting really good reviews, but then, those reviews are written for people addicted to Hollywood crap, so who knows.  :dontknow: