
Les Pauls With Floyds

Johnny Royale said:
- A string break throws the whole thing sharp, as the bridge is being overwhelmed by the spring tension.
- Bending a single note affects all the other strings, ie; in a chord with a bent note, all the other strings go sickly flat.
- Changing strings is a hassle, you have to block or prop the bridge up to make it workable.
- If you change your string guage or tuning, the whole thing has to be rebalanced.

I do not disagree. But there is a solution/workaround to some extent for some of those things.

Get a Tremol-no (link provided - click here)

If a string breaks you're actually able to bend the Floyd thereby tuning the strings up to pitch and lock the tremol-no. It won't help you mid-song as does take time to do. But you have to put drumsolo somewhere anyway  :icon_jokercolor:

If you're performing songs where you do not need to work the whammy - you'll lock it down and enjoy all the benfits af a hard-tail. Including in-tune double bends and all that. Theres also the dive-only option - when only thats needed. Again saving the tuning.

And lock it when you change strings. And if you're changing gauge just for a hear-see then you don't have to spend time to rebalance if you're going back to the first gauge afterwoods (but how often do you change string-gauge anyways?).

I think the Tremol-No is a cool add-on to a Floyd (or any floating trem for that matter).

No - I'm not affiliated.  :icon_biggrin:
about the tremelno. that's a nice piece of kit,indeed.

on a carved top les Paul you dont need a recessed floyd. a non recessed also has 1/3 or so pull up, cause the block will hit the tremcavity sooner than the baseplate the top.
You could buy this one, made in Kalamazoo.. at the factory by the guys'
I'm in the process of building one out now...2 Piece Mahogany Body...Seymour Duncan 80's Pearly Gates (PGBJ)/1978 DiMarzio  SDS-1/Seymour Duncan JBJ (TB4J)...Gibson 500K Volume/Fender 5 Way Strat Selector Sambora Angled/Fender TBX Tone....OFR w/Screw In Bar in Black...


with one of these necks...




just haven't decided which one yet, although it was built w/the Kramer E.E. Pro I in mind. But whichever one I choose...one of the others will be going on this...

Big thumbs up for the Sambora angled switch there. It's my favourite feature of my Jersey Star, I dunno why more guitars don't use it. Of course it looks backwards to most people but it actually makes a lot of sense when you're playing. I can honestly say I would buy an awful lot more guitars (including Warmoth bodies, hint hint) if they came with a blade switch angled that way.
I contemplated picking up a Warmoth Maple Board w/a Gibby HS but thought I'd use a proper 80s Shred Neck, esp since I've got a couple at my disposal at current.
muttznmongrelz said:
Kinda liking the Gunslinger Neck on the body...


Very nice muttz! :icon_thumright:

Its nice too see one of your builds again, its been too long, and as always I love them all!
AutoBat said:
Les Paul + Floyd + Bogner = Win?

I love Bogner's amps,.................. not like you guys/gals didn't know that already.  :icon_jokercolor:

But I'm really digging that guitar, looks like a hot rodded PRS single cut.  :occasion14:
Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it. I'll post a thread when I get into it more.  :headbang:

rapfohl09 said:
muttznmongrelz said:
Kinda liking the Gunslinger Neck on the body...


Very nice muttz! :icon_thumright:

Its nice too see one of your builds again, its been too long, and as always I love them all!
When Floyd Rose starting selling his trem, I'm guessing they were all retrofits.  That is, no one was making a guitar with his trem in mind.  It might have been sacriledge to put a trem on guitar that we weren't used to having one.  A Les Paul with a trem, let alone a good one, could have been more of stretch than seeing a Strat with a Floyd upgrade.  I can remember seeing Def Leppard on the MTV when they only needed one MTV to play videos, and thinking Steve Clark's LP was really custom.  This was before the internet obviously, so I assumed it was a Floyd.  Guess not.

I think Gibson must have done a run of LPs with Kahlers in the 80s, I know Richie Sambora had three or four and Izzy Stradlin had one. Pretty sure one of the guys in Skid Row had one too.