
Learning jazz

I bought and worked through (as well as I could) the Joe Pass chord DVD, the Scotty Anderson chord DVD, and the Danny Gatton chord DVD - it didn't take long to realize that they were doing completely different substitutions on the exact same kind of progressions, mostly the IIm - V- I stuff. This is not to say you shouldn't learn the tritone sub and such, just that the differences were what made them great in their own way - and with a guitar as the only instrument playing chords, it really seems to depend more on where a neat voice-leading sequence falls under your fingers, rather than some pedagogically "correct" rule. AKA whatever works, dude/ette....
I'm pretty sure if you're playing with a piano or B3, you just let them do the hard work & all that pesky "thinking" stuff. :hello2:
Quick! Practice yer stage poses....
I learned everything I'll ever need to know from Spinal Tap's Jazz Odyssey.

Derek Smalls on the bass, he wrote this!

I've picked up quite a few fun solo arrangements from lickbyneck.com, plus I think the software is just great in general. 