
Last Day?


Hero Member
Well random title, but finally i am taking the bass in to get a estimation on the wiring and the set up, now from people that have used luthiers before, when it comes to doing wiring and a set up of the guitar, checking the action/nut and everything, how long does this take? as in is this usually a come back another day type thing or go see a movie and your guitar shall be purring when you come out so to speak?
This luthier did some work on my mums electro acoustic fixing the jack/strap holder so it didnt come out at all, and this took him an hour about and she went to the shoe supermarket almost across the road,
I know wiring and set up is alot longer, but considering i did the first attempt in just under three hours i believe, maybe if he isnt busy it wouldnt take too long?
Im not moaning if it does take a day or two to get round to his work station so to speak, im just curious if there is a chance itll be done quick, he seems like a really honest hard working luthier.
As ive heard stories of others that arent so good maybe.
It depends on the techs workload, what all needs to be done, etc. I've had setups take a day and others take 2 weeks... After i finished it my warmoth went in for a setup (drop c) on a Saturday and I got a call that it was done on Tuesday. He was moving shops so I doubt my guy got to it until Monday.

Ask your tech what his turn around time is, he should be able to give you a ballpark.
Ah right cool thanks, yeah he only opens shop to customers bringing stuff in thursdays and fridays, so i think thats his way of reducing the work load as he can get on with work the other days i believe,
But yeah i will ask him, least by next friday itll definately be done i bet,  as he said to bring it in it seems like his workloads not too major that he cant accept new jobs.
Yes well im going to be asking tommorow, i was just asking what other people have experienced with luthiers about doing electrics, was always going to ask tommorow what he does for turn around, ah well, ill tell you when its going to be up and working tommorow, night all