Most of what passes for Pop music (country, pop, dance, top 40, emo/hot topic/rock) is so overproduced, over marketed and contrived with so many different people crafting an image that Lady Gaga is a surprising breathe of fresh air.
She writes, produces and performs all her own music. Her songs are extremely catchy and dance pop perfection. Her image, although not my cup of tea, especially the Kermit the frog suit, is trying to push the boundaries of what’s acceptable in fashion, not to mention she doesn't have to pass it by a committee and focus panel at a record company first so... Good for her. The scariest part, she's only 23. Should be interesting to see what she does in 10-15-20 years.
As for her looks, I've always thought she looks like the love child of Dee Snider of Twisted Sister and Christina Aguilera. ;-)