
Just launched a website for my studio project

Okay I had to fix a few things.  The music will load now.

Zerababyl is a misspelling.  Zorababel is one of the correct spellings.  Its from the Bible, he was a minor player early on.  Its a name I've seen Amish people have.  And the project is not at all religious.  I'm more than a little agnostic and turn hostile when anyone tries to convert me.  I had bad childhood experiences with the fire and brimstone crowd.

Funny you mention that it sounds like a drug.  We got the name from a dirty faced four year old, whose father was a crazed philospher type with a waste length beard and wrote on the walls.  He was also our weed dealer.  We were so impressed with the unique name he gave his son that we scribbled it on a small peice of paper, unknowingly misspelled, and that's what we called the band.  And it was 18 years ago, I don't know where the kid or his dad are now.  And my former bandmate went on to have an aweful heroine problem, and lost half his skull and 10% of his frontal lobe in a methadone induced car wreck, he now finger-paints the walls of his room with his own feces.  
Jeez ya lookin' jus like brother of the blues Vic.... ya guys could've been sep'rated at birf
I'm listening to the first clip right now. I kinda like it.

One thing that you could do with the site is to have one of the songs play automatically as soon as you enter the site.
More thoughts on the site, I'd get a nice arty/moody photo of you and put it on the home page. Something that makes you look darker and more mysterious.  And IMHO you need tabs or buttons for the links to the other pages - the HTML style links look a little cheezy.  And the contact page is a little, er, bright compared to the rest of the site  :glasses9:

Overall - interesting project!
I agree - start wearing a cape, and pierce your forehead!  :icon_jokercolor:

Gosh I'm getting like Jerry. Time for bed....
I was updating it just a second ago.  That might have been the reason.  I was taking Mayfly's advice by having a song autoplay on the home page.

As far as going with a cape and pierced forehead.... uh... no, I'm not Goth, neither is the project, though it is Goth friendly and I wouldn't want to insult any goth types, I just don't see myself in a cape.  No crazy piercings either, heck, I don't even have any tattoos.

This is the first website I've ever created, I wanted to keep it simple.
I really like the tones on Inversions, however it stopped playing after about 40 seconds, as did the The Birds.  Are you updating the site at the moment?
Hmmm...  sounds like I need to call the godaddy help desk...

The guitars on everything, except "At a Loss pt. 1 (1992 session)", are an ash bodied strat with a maple neck and Fender Vintage Noiseless pickups,a fairly stock '69 Thinline RI, and an Alvarez 6 string bass.  All run direct via modelers.  Recorded on my BOSS BR1180 CD in 2003, late at night, with the headphones on while my kids slept.

The "At a Loss pt 1 (1992 session)" was a pointy Kramer ZX10, Applause strat copy, Ventura bass (bealtes shape), direct to a Tascam Porta 5, via Arion stereo analog delay and tube screamer.  As the name implies, recorded in 1992.

I'm currently recording new stuff and re-recording some of the existing songs on my current rig.  I tend to do that, every three or four years I'll re-record the main Zerababyl songs, intentionally making adjustments, letting them evolve a little.  I'm hoping to get some actual drums in this round.