
Jam Session Guitar Forum (jsguitarforum.com)

Torment Leaves Scars

Hero Member
Not trying to promote the site here, but aside from this one, that's the only other forum I visit.  Just wondering if some of you also visit that forum.  Looks like they were removed from public access due to "slammer abuse," whatever that is.  Wondering if anyone who is a member got an email about it and if there's another site address now.

Disappointing, it was a great site.
I don't know about the site, but "Slammer abuse" refers to their being infected by the "Slammer" worm, which exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft's SQL Server code. It's supposed to be fairly easy to fix, and the vulnerability has been patched for years, but it's far easier to set up websites than it is to administer them so you see things like this happen. Somebody's not doing security updates.
Cagey said:
I don't know about the site, but "Slammer abuse" refers to their being infected by the "Slammer" worm, which exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft's SQL Server code. It's supposed to be fairly easy to fix, and the vulnerability has been patched for years, but it's far easier to set up websites than it is to administer them so you see things like this happen. Somebody's not doing security updates.

Thanks for that.  I've never heard of a "slammer."