
J-Bass Shaped Guitar

Ok, I'll take a crappy GIMP stab at it  :)


My J-Bass hanging on the wall next to a Strat and Tele dwarfs them.  The J-bass proportions done with a guitar scale neck would look ridonculous.  If the body were shrunk to a Strat or Tele's proportions, the distinctive feature of the body would be the offset at the rear, not unlike a Jazz Master or Jaguar, which they already make.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
My J-Bass hanging on the wall next to a Strat and Tele dwarfs them.  The J-bass proportions done with a guitar scale neck would look ridonculous.  If the body were shrunk to a Strat or Tele's proportions, the distinctive feature of the body would be the offset at the rear, not unlike a Jazz Master or Jaguar, which they already make.

Why would you imply that the rear portion of the J-Bass body is it's only distinctive feature?  The body horns on a Jazz Bass look NOTHING like those of a Jazzmaster or Jaguar... or a Strat for that matter.
Phrygian said:
[Why would you imply that the rear portion of the J-Bass body is it's only distinctive feature?  The body horns on a Jazz Bass look NOTHING like those of a Jazzmaster or Jaguar... or a Strat for that matter.

true...if the J-bass body is re-scaled (with the same proprtions) to guitar size, it will be distinctive! Or at least something different. and from all of our experince with the J-bass, VERY comfy!
I like the angeld bucker too...good visual.
Maybe the giant CBS headstock would balance the look better?

-edit- Dean guitars has this "Limited Run" idea where if enough people agree on all the specs, they'll make it as a limited edition. They've only done a few, but maybe we can get this thing going?
The Phrygi-Max, or Maxigan, or Sulamenagic Jackson the Third!

This forum rocks! Anytime you think you've run out of GAS, you can come here for a free fill up!  :toothy10: You end up wanting guitars that don't even exist.  :evil4:
tfarny said:
This forum rocks! Anytime you think you've run out of GAS, you can come here for a free fill up!  :toothy10: You end up wanting guitars that don't even exist.  :evil4:
I do my best
Dude that looks KILLER. Definately send that to Warmoth. I want one. I think I might like it even better if it was slightly less "radical" on the Jmaster ness since the body's smaller than a bass body. Nice job. I want.
Because, of course, this one's REAL:



Quite a bargain at $4,999.97! Good to see that prices are coming down.
Max, your skills are envy-inducing. But if I could do that, I'd suffer chronic GAS, so I'm kind of glad I can't.

Threads like this 'enable' Warmoholics.

I read it in the Warmanon book.

The Jazz Guitar (?) will definitely turn heads, because the musician's brain (never one for a heavy workload in the first place) will struggle to reconcile what it sees.

I like it!

If it were me, I'd enlarge the lower cutaway on the inside, but it is more 'authentic' as it stands now.