
Junior Member
So, I've been waiting more anxiously than a kid before christmas for my new amp...a little backstory:

I work with youth and there is a kid that I work/jam with (he is an excellent guitarist). Last Thanksgiving, his dad came by to visit him and we started talking about his son's amp. He had a guy build his son a very nice point to point tube amp (100 watts). He told me that he would email me his contact info just in case I ever wanted to have him build a custom amp for me. I was very appreciative but I thought to myself, "Its gonna be years before I have enough money saved up for an amp (I have a wife and daughter who come first...)."

So, the holidays go by and February rolls around and I get a call from some guy I don't know. I originally thought it was a salesman. Come to find out, he is the amp builder for my youth. The next thing that he says absolutely floors me..."I owe so-and-so (the kid's dad) a favor, and as a favor, I am going to build you an amp...what do you want?"  :eek: I couldn't believe it...when I got off the phone with him, I ran up and down the hall screaming. Dream come true.

After chatting with the amp builder, we decided on a Dr. Z Zwreck/Trainwreck/Top boost channel of AC30 type amp with an orange racing strip and white tolex (I love orange and white together). I love the overdrive of an AC30 and I love amps that are very touch sensitive. The amp itself is roughly 30 watts with Mercury transformers. The white grill on the front and back is machined from a solid block of aluminum and painted white. I love the simplicity of this amp...cut control/treble/bass/volume. On the back is a switch to shift from a modern sounding amp to vintage sounding. I was very impressed with the amp builder...he spent 50 hrs with the break in of the amp and turned it over to me when he was finally happy with the sound...very meticulous. After much wait (almost 9 months), the amp finally came to me. So, without much further ado, I present to yall the FBG...Fat Bottom Girl:


Here is another shot with it on:


Over the summer, I built a 2x12 matching cab (sort of like the DR Z Zwreck configuration/dimensions). It is currently loaded with old organ Jensens C12R. Eventually, once I get the money saved up, I'll upgrade with some WGS Blue and Black (Celestion blue clones). Here is a pick of that:


Here is the FBG with the cab:


This amp is truly plays and sounds better than I could have ever thought. The overdrive is so detailed and complex, but with clarity and it cleans up so nicely with the volume knob...jangly clean sound. I am so thankful for it...all I can do is smile.  :hello2:

I hope to post up some youtube clips of this amp and of my pickups (Bill Lawrence L90s). Here is a link to the guy's website (it is a work of progress...he is starting up a business with amp building):    <- It's cool to see my amp as the front page pic  :laughing7:
Dude, looks sweet!  I may be interested in these once he gets things up and running.  Any idea around how much he usually charges?
Tempest said:
Dude, looks sweet!  I may be interested in these once he gets things up and running.  Any idea around how much he usually charges?

I have no idea...we never talked about that.
Wow!  Very cool story.  If that thing sounds a fraction of what it looks like...

Good choice with the watts as well.  Reading at first, I was thinking there was another 100 watt monster assaulting the senses somewhere.  30 tube watts seems plenty.
But do tell the guy - he needs to enlarge or brighten the smallest typefaces on his website for us old people! :laughing3: I could read it OK by highlighting it, or probably if I got my reading glasses, but tiny white letters on a black background... nuh-uh. Not at 5am without enough caffeine. Great looking amp! It's got, what, EL34's and 12AX7's?
StubHead said:
But do tell the guy - he needs to enlarge or brighten the smallest typefaces on his website for us old people! :laughing3: I could read it OK by highlighting it, or probably if I got my reading glasses, but tiny white letters on a black background... nuh-uh. Not at 5am without enough caffeine. Great looking amp! It's got, what, EL34's and 12AX7's?

Yea...his website is a work in progress. Since I've started keeping up with him, this website is probably the 5th or 6th "version."

Its got 4 EL84's (Russian ones I think) and 3 12AX7's.