
Is this even remotely possible?

B3Guy said:
dude . . . where were you when I started the pup stealthing thread??? I've been trying to convince people there that these two things are not directly related, but it doesn't seem to sink in. they keep saying "well I used X type of pup, which is really high output, but it didn't stealth well", and I keep saying "output is not related to the size or strength of the magnetic field, which is the important factor when stealthing a pup".  :tard:

they aren't directly related, but one without the other isn't good either. if your pickup is still in the "sweetspot" but is so low that there's no output then it's no good. if you have to crank your amp up 3 times louder than you would with your other guitars that's really not going to work out too well. on the other hand if it's all output and no "sweetspot" then the pickup will just sound like crap. i think output is the more important one of the two things. without (enough) output there really can be no sweetspot.
Jusatele said:
I have active pups in my Bass, it is about 14 years old, and I hate them. I actually am considering changing them out

not to high jack

Now not being a bassist, just filling in at times, My Bass is a Washburn with a J and a P pickup, SO.... Turbo, any advice on pups and new pots for it?

Nope.  Start a thread.  I like what I like, and it's an unpopular choice.  Not only that, I have 2 basses that are basically identical but different neck and fretboards woods.  I love one, and tolerate the other.  Identical pickups, identical hardware, identical bodies, not even similar sounds.
Big V - AKA "The other guy from Norway" said:
Panthur said:
Just do it. You know you want to...

Is it just me, or is that actually an 8-coil? :tard:

If I had to guess, I'd say it was four humbuckers...

ORCRiST said:
Big V - AKA "The other guy from Norway" said:
Panthur said:
Just do it. You know you want to...

Is it just me, or is that actually an 8-coil? :tard:

If I had to guess, I'd say it was four humbuckers...

oh well, the switches might have been a clue :doh:
It would be awesome to see how an 8-coil sounds, though... I know Ibanez have done 3-coils, at least :toothy11:
Yeah, it's 4 humbuckers. It was made for the Spinal Tap film, it's one of Nigel Tufnell's signature guitars called Mr Horsepower. There were 25 of them made, all were pretty much the same except for #11 which has a few different tweaks (the dial goes up to 11).

Details here.. http://www.wolfgangguitars.com/Mr.Horsepower.htm  .. from a guy that owns #8