tfarny said:
juliancs, let me repeat what others have said very clearly ..
Hi tfarny,
Thanks for your response - I totally agree. I know I am being impossible and pedantic about this whole project. My only reason is this -everything else (assuming I like stainless steel 6105's and the neck
) is perfect on the guitar, and it will be a gift from god if the green is what I have in mind. I have been scouring the net for a good looking green guitar with a flame maple, and have only really found quilt maples (seems not many combine flame + green, although there are some nice ones!). However, I am paying 850 dollars extra for a high grade flame maple, and despite looking at all the other finishes -I want a green guitar-. Now, in my perusing of the net, I have found that green guitars are wildly unpopular, which makes me want one more. It's a bit of a different colour, and less safe, than red, black and tobacco. I am paying so much extra for a nicer top because the dudes at Warmoth have told me it will soak up more dye. The "3dness" of the dye finish is very attractive to me - from what I can tell it shines different in different lights etc. I want to be more specific - I don't mind a light green so much as I would mind a "puke" green : /. I realise these guitars have little resale value and much of my extra spending on this guitar is aesthetic (I could just order a flame maple top and see what happens, but again - they told me higher grades give a deeper green), which is why I'm a little paranoid - I get one shot at it! I know it will be nice, and I think I just have to order it and trust warmoth. Even the guy on the phone told me if it's really not what I want I have 10 days to send it back (to which I informed him that after biting my nails waiting for 12 weeks they could send me anything!!). I don't know, I feel childish repeating the same questions here over and over, but I want this thing to be right! Everything I'm fretting over now is silly - black neck or not, un finished or not, matching headstock or not, hardware colour etc etc.
Anyway, I'm going to wait until the end of the week to see if any more tops come up, and then if not, I'm ordering it. In green. Light or dark. :guitaristgif:
Unfortunately I know this will not be the last Warmoth I order