I'm going to be building a jazzmaster when the parts arrive, and I'm looking for the following combinations out of the switching:
5. Neck Jazzmaster pu
4. Neck + Cut Humbucker bridge
3. Single coil from cut bridge only
2. Neck + Parallel Humbucker bridge
1. Humbucker bridge
In a number of threads, I've seen the 5 way megaswitch mentioned, and thought that might be the best way to pull this off.
This is my first time trying to wire up a guitar, so any tips, schematic ideas, all appreciated. Thanks in advance!
5. Neck Jazzmaster pu
4. Neck + Cut Humbucker bridge
3. Single coil from cut bridge only
2. Neck + Parallel Humbucker bridge
1. Humbucker bridge
In a number of threads, I've seen the 5 way megaswitch mentioned, and thought that might be the best way to pull this off.
This is my first time trying to wire up a guitar, so any tips, schematic ideas, all appreciated. Thanks in advance!