Interview with Scotti Hill of Skid Row

I totally respect those guys for not going back to working with Sebastian Bach. There's a reason they parted ways with him, and nothing has changed.
Interesting. Looked at the blog. Read about the other musician. I didn't know about Becker. Bronze guitar is cool. The blog needs an article about how to build a guitar without your wife knowing about it. Nah probably not a good idea.
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Interesting. Looked at the blog. Read about the other musician. I didn't know about Becker. Bronze guitar is cool. The blog needs an article about how to build a guitar without your wife knowing about it. Nah probably not a good idea.

I'm not sure if you're just making a random joke, or if you're specifically referring to that article I wrote maybe 6 years ago about hiding guitar purchases from your spouse, but it was the most popular post on our blog by a massive, massive margin. Like most posts had 2, 3, 4k views, and that one had like 30k views.

I caught so much crap for that. They even called it out in an issue of Guitar Player magazine.

I thought all the pearl-clutching was hilarious.

But that's just me I guess.
Now I remember! And it was a good idea! A spouse doesn't have to know everything, a little mystery is good. It's only a guitar for gosh sakes. Bring that masterpiece back!
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I'm lucky; my wife has never given me a hard time about my Warmoth purchases.

Yep. My wife not only doesn't give me a hard time, but avidly encourages me to get the things I need/want for my passion.

It's funny, when I wrote that article, I got a lot of hate. People accused me of being deceitful and a misogynist. When I pointed out that I had been happily married for 35 years and that it was just a bit of light-hearted fun they came back with accusations of gaslighting and said that just because my wife was a party to the offense didn't make it OK.

But it brought lots of eyeballs to the Warmoth site, that's for sure.
And speaking of Scotti Hill....

When I met him in Atlanta his wife and young son where traveling with him. His son's name is Marshall (awesome!) and Scotti lets him swap guitars out for him between songs at every show. It was heartwarming to see son bringing guitars to dad out on stage.
But it brought lots of eyeballs to the Warmoth site, that's for sure.
Matthias Wandel recently made a video and left a chuck key in his lathe. His next video was 'I found out how to really drive viewer engagement on Youtube!' Followed by 'Just how far can it hurl a chuck key'. (It was rather disappointing. Not saying freak accidents can't occur, or that you shouldn't follow best practices, but I think the major danger is damage to the ways))

Maybe it's time for another one.
this is a fun interview, i like how matter of fact most of his answers are. "why the 900?“ "idk I just think it sounds good". "did you model your own 900 for the Kemper?" "nah the stock preset is fine lol". uses an esoteric bridge pup but doesn't even remember what neck pup the guitar has. just another lesson for everyone stuck in the minutia: practicing your technique and craft will always outweigh obsessing over what metal your trem block is made of lol

Yep. My wife not only doesn't give me a hard time, but avidly encourages me to get the things I need/want for my passion.

It's funny, when I wrote that article, I got a lot of hate. People accused me of being deceitful and a misogynist. When I pointed out that I had been happily married for 35 years and that it was just a bit of light-hearted fun they came back with accusations of gaslighting and said that just because my wife was a party to the offense didn't make it OK.

But it brought lots of eyeballs to the Warmoth site, that's for sure.
i want to preface what I'm going to say with this: i do not think you are sexist, i don't think that blog post was in terribly poor taste, and I think a lot of the reaction was over the top (often by the same kind of rubes who would take a The Onion article at face value),

however (spoiler'ed because I wrote more than I expected and this will keep the page clean for those uninterested):

i hope you can understand someday that the "I'm not sexist, I have a wife" rhetorical shield rings just as hollow as the old standby "I can't be racist, I have black friends. " it's the weakest defense possible.

the blog post was mostly fine and relatively inoffensive, imo, and obviously a lighthearted joke to most people with working brains, but it was just slightly too subtle (or at least, the humor not broad enough) for rubes. it wasn't the funniest thing I ever read, but it was far, far from the worst. i got a #sensible-chuckle and moved on until it blew up.

frankly, I think you had two good options: ignore the outrage and not respond to it, or, append something to the end along the lines "I guess in the end maybe the best advice is to not lie your partner" (i know to you and me and many others something this obvious shouldn't need to be stated, but for people with room-temperature IQs (much of TGP/internet collectively) it does, sadly).

Or a very distant third: take the article down and say "okay, guess we missed the mark with that one."

but the secret fourth option of doubling down, responding directly to the controversy, and trying to dunk on the audience was weird and a bad look from The Official Social Media Representative of the company. just unprofessional from my pov.

you can say it was justified because of "the views" but do outrage clicks actually translate directly into sales? I don't follow that logic.

I also see the post is no longer on the official blog, which is interesting in its own way.

Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk (which when I'm hosting is called a RanchTalk)
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Yep. My wife not only doesn't give me a hard time, but avidly encourages me to get the things I need/want for my passion.

It's funny, when I wrote that article, I got a lot of hate. People accused me of being deceitful and a misogynist. When I pointed out that I had been happily married for 35 years and that it was just a bit of light-hearted fun they came back with accusations of gaslighting and said that just because my wife was a party to the offense didn't make it OK.

But it brought lots of eyeballs to the Warmoth site, that's for sure.
I was just thinking that it's kind of like really bad band reviews. Sometimes the review is so bad that you just need to see the band to see what's really up.

This happened to me with the Ramones. I read a review of them and the reviewer hated them: No guitar solos. All the songs too fast. Stupid lyrics. etc etc. So I figured "hey - that sounds interesting. I should check them out". So I did. It turned out that they were the most entertaining band I had heard up to that point. I loved it. Sometimes the mouthpieces out there just don't know which way is up.

BUT! I would have never heard about the band if it was not for that one bad review. So I guess even jerks in the media (or on the internet) have a purpose. You just need to keep your head screwed on straight and be willing to check out another point of view.
practicing your technique and craft will always outweigh obsessing over what metal your trem block is made of lol
While this is 100% true, I've always been amazed at the number of guitar players (some very good) that know almost nothing about guitars. They can tune it up & play it, but must have someone else do adjustments and repairs or swap a pickup. I've been doing all that stuff myself for the past 30+ years. Now if I could just learn how to play...
While this is 100% true, I've always been amazed at the number of guitar players (some very good) that know almost nothing about guitars. They can tune it up & play it, but must have someone else do adjustments and repairs or swap a pickup. I've been doing all that stuff myself for the past 30+ years. Now if I could just learn how to play...

This reminds of a Billy Howerdel video I just saw. A Gibson TV Riff Lords episode. I guess it’s a few years old now. Anyway, he’s breaking down some of his riffs, and during one he makes the comment, which I’m paraphrasing, “…and then you put your finger on the 8th fret fifth string, umm…(pause) whatever this note is…”

WTF??? Really? Whatever THIS note is??? I was stunned. Or as the Brits might say, GOBSMACKED!

I concluded that he only thinks of the strings, and the fretboard by extension, what those notes are in standard tuning. Because he would say, repeatedly; E string, A string, B string. Even though, as we all know, he’s played in C# tuning for literally decades. I can’t even comprehend that he wouldn’t think of whatever the actual note is, by its actual name, no matter what tuning he happens to be in. How does that even work playing with other musicians? Does everyone else have to transpose whatever he means? But he plays keyboard as well, so he has to know that playing an F# on the keyboard doesn’t sound the same as his “F#” on the guitar. Doesn’t he???

I switch back and forth between Drop D and Standard quite a bit. When I’m in Drop D, I sure as hell don’t think the 6th string is still an E! I know the G is now at the 5th fret, and the C is at the 10th, etc…


I don't know the video or the player.

Plenty of players who play in standard tuning play with shapes and patterns of scales and chords as a reference point and cannot tell you the name of every note on the fretboard or in a chord or scale.

So, if someone has learnt the fretboard (if only partially) in standard tuning and is someone who tends to think in shapes and patterns. And then that player plays in a different tuning, those shapes, and patterns in standard are still probably being used as a frame of reference rather than the actual names of the notes themselves or the sounds of them.
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