
I'm officially joining the club (1st order placed)

Damon said:
I was considering that hybrid scratchplate, but I'm not digging the vibe on the guitars wearing that in W's gallery. Probably gonna go with the vintage pearl regular Tele. Until I change my mind again.

Different Tele topic: 4-way switch. Is the series option useful? Anyone have sound clips?

Series sounds... different. Useful? Nobody knows - it's subjective. You tell me. Adds a lotta noise, if you opt for standard Tele pickups, and they're not quiet to start with. If you need more tonal options, you might be better off with one or three of these MXR 6 band GEQs.


They're magically delicious! Lets you keep your guitar simple, too, which is a Good Thing.
This is gonna be a great guitar.  Just to cast my own vote, my tele uses four position switching with the series/parallel options, and I like it.  I'm using Fender's Noiseless pickups, and they're pretty darn quiet.
Of all the exotics, I just can't warm up to Canary. It looks like really rough pine - firewood grade. I don't mind open grained woods (Wenge, Mahogany) but the pictures just make it look like you're liable to get a splinter from it.
You need to re-read cageys first post, I believe he meant for your wife to get into his pants

Funny how a present from our wives is as simple as letting us buy something for ourselves, I've been there too, my avatar is my 20th aniversary present I got to buy for myself, and you know what, thats fine with me.

Awesome looking body
+1 on the canary neck! ... and they wont do one piece canary, I asked when I ordered mine. I dont care though cause the two piece warmoth pro canary neck I have on my strat is BEEOOTIFULL!  :icon_thumright:
Alfang said:
You need to re-read cageys first post, I believe he meant for your wife to get into his pants

No, you need to re-read it. That's not what I said at all.
swarfrat said:
Of all the exotics, I just can't warm up to Canary. It looks like really rough pine - firewood grade. I don't mind open grained woods (Wenge, Mahogany) but the pictures just make it look like you're liable to get a splinter from it.

Wow, I'm not the only one. Canary just doesn't look good to me. Looks more like Oak to me than Pine.
llmstratocaster said:
swarfrat said:
Of all the exotics, I just can't warm up to Canary. It looks like really rough pine - firewood grade. I don't mind open grained woods (Wenge, Mahogany) but the pictures just make it look like you're liable to get a splinter from it.
Wow, I'm not the only one. Canary just doesn't look good to me. Looks more like Oak to me than Pine.

Have you guys seen raw canary "in the flesh" as it were? Pictures are one thing but in the hand it feels v.nice. My canary neck looks great on my strat and feels AMAZING!
The more I ponder this project, the more heavily I'm leaning toward a canary neck with a bloodwood board. Thoughts?
Stew said:
llmstratocaster said:
swarfrat said:
Of all the exotics, I just can't warm up to Canary. It looks like really rough pine - firewood grade. I don't mind open grained woods (Wenge, Mahogany) but the pictures just make it look like you're liable to get a splinter from it.
Wow, I'm not the only one. Canary just doesn't look good to me. Looks more like Oak to me than Pine.

Have you guys seen raw canary "in the flesh" as it were? Pictures are one thing but in the hand it feels v.nice. My canary neck looks great on my strat and feels AMAZING!

No, but I have seen two on the internet, which is the same thing. :icon_jokercolor:
swarfrat said:
Stew said:
llmstratocaster said:
swarfrat said:
Of all the exotics, I just can't warm up to Canary. It looks like really rough pine - firewood grade. I don't mind open grained woods (Wenge, Mahogany) but the pictures just make it look like you're liable to get a splinter from it.
Wow, I'm not the only one. Canary just doesn't look good to me. Looks more like Oak to me than Pine.

Have you guys seen raw canary "in the flesh" as it were? Pictures are one thing but in the hand it feels v.nice. My canary neck looks great on my strat and feels AMAZING!

No, but I have seen two on the internet, which is the same thing. :icon_jokercolor:

VERY NICE!  I really like that "V" pattern in the wood.  I've never seen that before.

I'm in agreement with the guy who said you shouldn't put a pickguard on it.  The top just looks way too cool to cover up.