
long frustrating night NGD no warmoth content

big bob

Hero Member
Long night..
heres what happened
I know the new old guitar is out for delivery, so I procrastinate on starting the grill for dinner hoping the truck will come, 6:45 no truck so I begrudgingly light the grill.
five minutes later

shit. I get her inside and make quick work of the outer box

then quick work of the inner box


and finally the padding


I finally get her to this point

and it's time to put the steak on...
I love my guitars, but not enough to fudge up two beautiful steaks. I grill the steaks to perfection ( med rare) while they are resting I scope out the robin and notice a hairline crack where the neck meets the body.

Not a big deal but still all I can think about during dinner..
Dinner was nice, steak tater and salad. all cooked perfect. nice way to start friday out. I get done with dinner and then do my duty with the dog. A quick stroll through the hood she drops the bomb and we are home.

So I sit down to tune her up and in walks the wife all dressed up. Shit and shit, I totally forgot a retirement party for one of our colleges. Damn.
I make a quick change and out the door, luckily the party is just two blocks away and all we really need to do is pop in and say hi then duck out. Ok I can do this.
The plan is working great we get in say our hellos and head for the door, Bam The director of the program grabs us and thus commences an hour of polite conversation....... uggggg.
Ok well must get home to the kids, great to see you Bye... Out the door and free right... not quite one of my wifes friends sees us leaving and comes out to chat....... 20 min later we finally head home.

Home sweet home grab the tedley and get her all tuned up.. the lock nut was a little strange to figure out but hey I got it done. the neck in this thing is amazingly thin, and the action is stupid low... that combined with the largest frets I have ever played makes for a lightning fast neck. Time to find out what the rio grande's sound like. there is a muy grande in the bridge (split) on a push pull and a stelly single in the neck.. should be loud..

I grab the trem arm screw her in and  get ready to rip.. the trem creeks and squeaks and makes all sorts of racket. Damn Oh well I cam oil her up later. run to the amp and...... My daughter is watching a movie, shit.
Alright not a prob I'll just move the amp and go.. I get the amp moved to the other side of the house... plug in ...... and ... Mouther ###$%, the hum is horid.. and when I touch any metal, strings included, it get ten times louder..
Ok don't panic, get the gt cables cable,  no good same thing, it's not the cable..  something must be wrong with a ground..  WAIT  DON'T PANIC.. think

off to the wall of guitars, I grab the 150 custom and head back to the amp.. plug her in and low and behold same thing.. Stupid old house.. the plug is not grounded..
I acquiesce to wait out the movie... August Rush, actually not a bad movie.. I just have my mind else-ware..
The movie ends and I have a sweet spot of oh ten minuets before the kids bedtime..

the rio grande's sound sweet.. nice rich clean  super metal distorted...

but now it's late.. so I wait for the morning

any advice on the squeaky floyd. it is 17 years old.. never used..

the guitar is a weird time capsule. the owner of Rocking robin guitars (Bart who sold me the guitar) is also the co-owner of robin guitars and the owner of rio-grande pups. he took around 75 guitars to the namm show in 93 and when he got back to the store/robin guitars miss labeled some 20 boxes as being empty.. so this tedley is 17 years old, but like new.. and I mean new _never played... not one scratch on her (execpt the small chip/hairline crack at the neck pocket) which should be no big deal...

can't wait for tomorrow to make some noise.. 

I got the squeak out.. turns out the springs were rubbing on the body, just a slight adjustment and now I squeakless..
NonsenseTele said:
This headstock can't be serious, I may have mistakenly drunk LSD...

I like it. people are too scared to be different, everything is a variation of the Gibson style or the Fender style headstocks.

Robin guitars have a really good reputation, they're rare around where i am, i would love to try one out. congratulations, you have a fine stand out guitar.
She is quite the player, super thin neck, low action and the largest frets makes her super fast..
Twelvebar said:
NonsenseTele said:
This headstock can't be serious, I may have mistakenly drunk LSD...

I like it. people are too scared to be different, everything is a variation of the Gibson style or the Fender style headstocks.

You can't be more different than a Rugby prop in Brazil, mate ;)
I just like things with classic and more simmetrical *look*...

edit:forgot the look
Twelvebar said:
NonsenseTele said:
This headstock can't be serious, I may have mistakenly drunk LSD...

I like it. people are too scared to be different, everything is a variation of the Gibson style or the Fender style headstocks.

Trying to be different isn't an excuse for creating something hideous.  :icon_biggrin:
I'm with NonsenseTele. I don't like that headstock.
baskruit said:
Twelvebar said:
NonsenseTele said:
This headstock can't be serious, I may have mistakenly drunk LSD...

I like it. people are too scared to be different, everything is a variation of the Gibson style or the Fender style headstocks.

Trying to be different isn't an excuse for creating something hideous.   :icon_biggrin:
I'm with NonsenseTele. I don't like that headstock.

Well then it's a good thing I bought it. We might disagree about looks but I guarantee if you have ever played a robin you know the quality is second to none... (actually I think warmoth made there necks for a while in the late 80's early 90's, maybe even this one) :icon_jokercolor:
baskruit said:
Trying to be different isn't an excuse for creating something hideous.   :icon_biggrin:
I'm with NonsenseTele. I don't like that headstock.

The list of things wrong with that guitar is too long for me, too, but there's no accounting for taste. One man's cheesecake is another man's asparagus. In the end, what really matters is how it plays and how it sounds. If those two things are in place, then the rest is just cosmetics. Not that cosmetics don't matter... would you hire this man as your vice president of sales at Batesville Casket Company?


Maybe not. But, it could be he comes from a long line of killers gifted in the art of discrete body disposal. Be a shame to pass up a talent like that <grin>
Cagey said:
baskruit said:
Trying to be different isn't an excuse for creating something hideous.   :icon_biggrin:
I'm with NonsenseTele. I don't like that headstock.

The list of things wrong with that guitar is too long for me, too, but there's no accounting for taste. One man's cheesecake is another man's asparagus. In the end, what really matters is how it plays and how it sounds. If those two things are in place, then the rest is just cosmetics. Not that cosmetics don't matter... would you hire this man as your vice president of sales at Batesville Casket Company?


Maybe not. But, it could be he comes from a long line of killers gifted in the art of discrete body disposal. Be a shame to pass up a talent like that <grin>

Hater.. where's the love... I'm guessing you are a "classic white strat guy"  but hey thats what makes this forum great.. many different opinions, even if yours are, well short sided and wrong!  :headbang: :headbang:
Hater? Not this kid. I as much as said the thing had talents we couldn't see. Just because somebody can't see something, doesn't mean it isn't there. You obviously love the thing, so it can't possibly be without merit. Don't take what I say as a negative unless I present it that way. And whether or not I appreciate the appearance of something is neither negative nor positive. My opinions are a reflection of my tastes and desires, which mean nothing to anyone but me. I'm sure that's a fine guitar. You're sure that's a fine guitar. There's two votes for it. But, if you're going to get upset about something as petty as whether or not something is attractive to others, you might want to consider keeping your equipment under wraps. Otherwise, you're liable to be disappointed more often than you'd like to be. There's no way you can please everybody all the time. Why do you suppose there are so many guitar body and neck designs?
Cagey said:
Hater? Not this kid. I as much as said the thing had talents we couldn't see. Just because somebody can't see something, doesn't mean it isn't there. You obviously love the thing, so it can't possibly be without merit. Don't take what I say as a negative unless I present it that way. And whether or not I appreciate the appearance of something is neither negative nor positive. My opinions are a reflection of my tastes and desires, which mean nothing to anyone but me. I'm sure that's a fine guitar. You're sure that's a fine guitar. There's two votes for it. But, if you're going to get upset about something as petty as whether or not something is attractive to others, you might want to consider keeping your equipment under wraps. Otherwise, you're liable to be disappointed more often than you'd like to be. There's no way you can please everybody all the time. Why do you suppose there are so many guitar body and neck designs?

I was just pulling your chain.... My bad..