
Identify The Warmoth Bass Neck Quiz!


Junior Member
Hi folks,

I rarely come on here, but I'm in need of some help.  I'm looking to identify what wood is used on this Warmoth neck.  For those interested, the bass belongs to Matt Sharp - ex Weezer bassist and current Rentals frontman.

These are the best pics I can find online...I'm thinking Birdseye or maybe Flame maple neck and Ebony board?  Thoughts?...





from the second picture it looks like a decently highly flamed maple neck to me. and the fretboard is dark, but i don't think it's ebony. maybe brazilian rosewood? it's possible it's ebony, but it looks too brown to me.
Could definately be ebony. The red lighting makes it hard to discern if it's a different dark wood.
That looks like Birdseye Maple with a dark Rosewood fretboard to me.

Why is this important though? :icon_scratch:
Good question Line6!  I'm making a replica of the bass in the not too distant future and wanted to be sure on the neck woods.  Thanks for all your help so far  :icon_biggrin:
The fretboard end on that is square.  On Warmoth's 34" scale necks, the fretboard end is rounded.  I think they all used to be squared off.  How's your's going to be?
Yeah, I believe all the older Warmoth neck were squared off.  I believe they 24 fret version is still squared off, but 21 frets are rounded with an overhang.  Not sure if Warmoth offer squared boards anymore for 21 frets.  Anyone know?

umcoo said:
Yeah, I believe all the older Warmoth neck were squared off.  I believe they 24 fret version is still squared off, but 21 frets are rounded with an overhang.  Not sure if Warmoth offer squared boards anymore for 21 frets.  Anyone know?

My 20 year old warmoth 21 fret bass neck is indeed squared off.  As you state, all the models back then were.
Sadly, don' t know if they offer it as an option now.  You could always call...
The non-F headstocked bass necks (and guitar necks) have sqaured ends, so it's probably an option.
I actually prefer the rounded edge that the necks currently have, but it might be worth an enquiry.

Back to the woods...on the first picture does the 'mattness' off the board not suggest ebony more than rosewood?  Most of my past basses have been rosewood boards, but they've always had grain and streaks to suggest it definitely is rosewood.
With the cult following that Weezer and Matt Sharp have, plus the fact that there's no secrets anymore because of the internet, I think would be easy to find out.

I would think that neck is just a well played, darkened Rosewood because he probably doesn't stray to far away from the Fender pool.  The steaking and grain pattern of RW isn't always consistent.  It is wood afterall.  Then again, it looks like it could be Ebony.  If you want it to look exactly like that one, get Jet Black Ebony or spec a darker, less grainy piece of RW.  If you want it to be what that one is, get Rosewood.  It seems like you're leaning more for a visual reproduction, so Ebony wood be a safe bet.  Looks more black than brown. 
Thanks for your input Super Turbo.  I guess I am going for more of a visual repro, but I also briefly looked at discussions about whether neck woods contribute to tonez, but I guess that's a whole other topic!

hard to tell, but my guess is still some kind of rosewood.

just curious, have you posted this on the weezer forum? i'm not a member but i've seen a few posts. seems like a bunch of the people there are gearheads. they might be able to help you out if you haven't tried that already
Hard to tell from those pics. Not sure about the whole replica thing. I guess the idea is to copy a musicians sound, in which then the tonal quality of the sound you are looking for would be more important. Don't get me wrong here. I like weezer, but I could think of way better bass guitarists, before I went replicating  that instrument.
Jay - Thanks.  I'm already on one of the Weezer forums, but can't say I've very really seen any gearheads.  Some folks have been kind enough to send me some extra pics of the bass, but still nothing set in stone.

Nex - Fair comment!  I think Sharp has a great bass sound, so the difference between rosewood and ebony as a fretboard wood (even though the effect of tone is up for debate) is important to me!  With the visual replica, all the rosewood boards in the showcase seem a lot brighter and browner than this particular one, so I guess I'm just wanting to be certain!  There are indeed a lot more bass players who are 'better' than Matt Sharp, but he's been a bit of an idol to me since my teens and I think the bass itself looks great.  I'm kind of obsessed by early Weezer!!  Sad, I know! 
There are better bassists, guitarists, drummers, and singers than Weezer has, but it's perfect for them.  It's the whole greater than the sum it's parts thing.  One reason why bands are better than their members and why supergroups can't live up to the hype.