
ibanez basswood redo...


Anyone out there revamped an ibanez with a Warmoth neck?  Old neck broke and would like to not waste
the body.  Might be a "project" to cut my teeth on.  Any suggestions or info would greatly appreciated.
Be gentle, long time reader first time poster.  Thanks
For starters, welcome aboard, and congratulations on de-lurking.

Whether what you want to do will work depends on one key variable:  What's the neck pocket shape and size on your Ibanez?  The Warmoth replacement necks are keyed to standard Fender neck pocket specs  - there are no other choices, except for the seven string and Gecko necks.  If your ibanez conforms to Fender's neck pocket specs, you are in the right place - but otherwise, you'd have a tough time making it work.

I know someone around here threw a 24 fret older Ibanez neck on their strat, so depending on neck pocket, it could be possible for you.
If it has the AANJ (all access neck joint) you're out of luck here.
Thanks for the info.  It's the old style neck pocket, and according to measurements it should fit.
Thanks again.
This was my summer 2010 guitar project (Ibanez RG body with a Warmoth neck). The body has a square heel. Just order your Warmoth neck without the pre-drilled mounting holes. This is my favorite build to date. The only thing I would do different is use automotive urethane paints instead of the acrylic lacquer I used back then...
Well, scale length is the critical thing. Neck pockets can be made bigger, or reshaped with a hardwood shim, if you want to do the work. The other issue is screw hole placement, Warmoth's side-adjuster and truss rod take up a certain territory. You can get a neck without the side-adjuster, if you're willing to go lefty... I'm not sure if you can get them to put the side dots on the upper side, though they're surprisingly easy to do yourself with casting epoxy.
firelove13 said:
Anyone out there revamped an ibanez with a Warmoth neck?  Old neck broke and would like to not waste
the body.  Might be a "project" to cut my teeth on.  Any suggestions or info would greatly appreciated.
Be gentle, long time reader first time poster.  Thanks

Yep, and it worked great!

I got an old, purple Ibanez RS440 (1985 vintage) that was in pretty sorry shape for free from a buddy of mine.  Stripped it and repainted it black, filled in the holes from that awful ProRockr trem system, and redrilled for an original Floyd Rose.

I got a Goncalo Alves neck from the "screaming deals" section, and it fit like a glove.  The old Roadstar necks are essentially the same neck pocket specs as Fender.  Since I replaced the bridge, I measured where the posts were supposed to go, so I do not have any intonation problems.  Having said that, the posts were in pretty much the same place, its just the spacing of the posts is narrower on a Floyd than it was for the Ibanez bridge.
Wrok 'n' Wrol!


Way back in the distant mists, I had done the opposite - I took a neck off of an Ibanez Roadstar (because of the awful tremolo) and put it on the body of a Fender "Lead I" that I had gotten for free. The Fender had about 1/8th" of some hideous purple acrylic that had cracked and crazed so I sanded and chipped it all off and dyed it brown with furniture stuff. But the Ibanez neck was great, and the Lead I pickup killed... at the time I had a Travis Bean TB1000 and an original solid quilt-maple B.C. Rich Mockingbird. Those guitars are each worth thousands now, but the Fender/Ibby beater was what I played because it was a better guitar.