
I have now seen it all

They missed one famous one too....


Weirdest guitars, as opposed to stupidest:


Märkeaux said:
Then you didn't pay attention when someone posted this last year ;)

Oh, prolly not then. :) I just found the link while looking for something else.  I could rename the last guitar on that link the Richard-Caster.
I just saw another WTF strat:

i mean it's ugly and i dont have a use for it but the idea of amplifying the bass strings seperate from the treble is interesting. it would be fun in the studio if i were messing with effects but im not that interested in owning it. plus he has a reserve on it and the bin is over $1000 i could build a warmoth for that
You have seen it all hey. " Have you ever seen a man eat off his own head?" "NO, then you haven't seen everything" Sorry its from Team America. Couldn't help myself.

how did this get in there, looks alot like that guitar that belongs to CB, or was it Vic?
Dan025 said:

how did this get in there, looks alot like that guitar that belongs to CB, or was it Vic?
I think CB just posted a pic of it..... :dontknow:
Märkeaux said:
I just saw another WTF strat:


Check out that righteous Jesuscaster next to it! :blob7:
Jesus died on the cross that it may rock! :blob7:
DangerousR6 said:
Märkeaux said:
I just saw another WTF strat:


I know right, it's like looking at a girl with three nips.  Just doesn't look right, and I can't look away.
I kind of like it.  It reminds me of some sort of weird modert art piece or something.  It looks like it has multiple personality disorder.  It would be better if it was a double neck though! 