
I hate Tonar threads.

Lucky #7

Hero Member
When I catch them on the first day they're posted that is.  Then I get to spend weeks checking back in to see what new magical thing he's going to do to a guitar finish.  The latest Mayfly guitar has me intrigued.  Again.
It's not really much of a Tonar thread until actual work starts getting done, I agree with that much.
It's the planning stages where the design and a lot of the fun happens.  :icon_jokercolor:
:laughing11: :laughing11: :laughing11:
I agree some of them are quite a tease, but I do try to give helpful tips and information as I go along. I have sure had a lot of fun doing some of the threads and letting the people I'm finishing the guitar for enjoy watching it come together or rather suffer through the process vicariously.  :evil4:

I have loved doing all of them but some of my favorites have been.
The torch guitar for T50.
Mayfly's green paisley tele.
Cherry Bomb for Black Dog
The Norwegian Guy's black strat for his dad even though it showed it at his end needing fixed.
The On Fire Flame Tele for myself!
Tonar8353 said:
:laughing11: :laughing11: :laughing11:
I agree some of them are quite a tease, but I do try to give helpful tips and information as I go along. I have sure had a lot of fun doing some of the threads and letting the people I'm finishing the guitar for enjoy watching it come together or rather suffer through the process vicariously.  :evil4:

I have loved doing all of them but some of my favorites have been.
The toarch guitar for T50.
Mayfly's green pasily tele.
Cherry Bomb for BlackDog
I know you love my guitar  :laughing7:
Just so you all know Max's guitar may be the death of me!!!!!!  :sad:
I’m getting ready to strip it for the second time :tard:
That guitar hates me  :laughing7:
Tonar8353 said:
Just so you all know Max's guitar may be the death of me!!!!!!  :sad:
I’m getting ready to strip it for the second time :tard:
That guitar hates me  :laughing7:

What happened? I HATE it when that happens....
What happened?
The first time I shot the shading color I had the air pressure to high so the material was to dry and got little pigment spots.

The next round I mixed the paste filler a little to dark and it made it look to red so I shot some thinned down white shading over it.  That worked as far as changing the color but I should have shot some clear first to get it completely level because the white did not lay over the whole surface correctly and it looked like it had little pin holes in the areas where the material shrank in to much.  No problem; I thought I would shoot some clear and level it and then shade it where needed, but I sanded through the color coat trying to get it level and I’m back to square one.

I guess I should add pictures to the build thread on his guitar to show what not to do. 
Tonar8353 said:
What happened?
The first time I shot the shading color I had the air pressure to high so the material was to dry and got little pigment spots.

The next round I mixed the paste filler a little to dark and it made it look to red so I shot some thinned down white shading over it.  That worked as far as changing the color but I should have shot some clear first to get it completely level because the white did not lay over the whole surface correctly and it looked like it had little pin holes in the areas where the material shrank in to much.  No problem; I thought I would shoot some clear and level it and then shade it where needed, but I sanded through the color coat trying to get it level and I’m back to square one.

I guess I should add pictures to the build thread on his guitar to show what not to do.   
Go ahead, it's all part of the story  :icon_thumright:
Tonar8353 said:
What happened?
The first time I shot the shading color I had the air pressure to high so the material was to dry and got little pigment spots.

The next round I mixed the paste filler a little to dark and it made it look to red so I shot some thinned down white shading over it.  That worked as far as changing the color but I should have shot some clear first to get it completely level because the white did not lay over the whole surface correctly and it looked like it had little pin holes in the areas where the material shrank in to much.  No problem; I thought I would shoot some clear and level it and then shade it where needed, but I sanded through the color coat trying to get it level and I’m back to square one.

I guess I should add pictures to the build thread on his guitar to show what not to do.   

I think we all already have those pictures ourselves....
Tonar8353 said:
I guess I should add pictures to the build thread on his guitar to show what not to do.   

Lessons about what not to do are quite often much more valuable than the ones about what you should do. They save time and effort.

I used to work with a genius of a mechanical engineer, and his favorite question was: What would be wrong with that? He was merely being anticipatory. His thinking was that if you looked at a problem from all angles, anticipating the various things that could go wrong, you'd avoid a lot of mistakes. I know it sounds obvious, but I'll tell you, I've worked with a lot of engineers who'd jump on an untested idea like a horny rabbit, without giving any thought to the consequences.