
I got bored.... So I ordered a new project!

JaySwear said:
i'm trying the fatback contour for my next project. debating between that and the 59.

I love the 59, my 2 cents on it.

Can't wait to see this project finished!  :headbang:

I know I'm crap at photoshop, but I think it's descent.
This is not the neck I ordered.
Beautiful guitar!  Strats are my favorites and that flame top is a looker.  I used a boattail on my first build . . . a tele that was finished last night.  It is a beefy neck that really fits well in hand. . . hopefully for you too.  I have another boattail neck (strat) for my second project which is already underway.

Have fun with your build.
The Norwegian Guy said:
I am getting confused by the STATUS on this order. (the body order)


Is it in process, or waiting to ship?  :icon_scratch: ???

In a quantum universe, why not both? :)
That is one sweet finish!
Fireburst right?
I almost went for a fireburst myself, but ended up doing a homemade green something instead...  :toothy12:

Kruneh from gitarnorge.no?
Vel, vi har vel hatt våre krangler gjennom mine infernalske dager på gn.  :glasses10:

Uansett, godt å se at du liker prosjektet :)
- AndreasM
That´s me ;)

Du er ikke så uskyldig som de tror her, er du vel  :toothy12:

Neia, driver med en strat jeg og, lett å bli bitt av basillen.

Hehe, er nok ikke det :P neida. Jeg holder meg i skinnet  :icon_thumright:

Ja, det er utrolig enkelt å bli bitt av basillen! Jeg er på mitt tredje prosjekt nå. :toothy10:
Floogle boogkikoococo! bah Umalut hanging Gerrunds!


Okay fine. I can't speak Norwegish. but to be fair... I'm not Norweganese.
I imagine thats something about me crying for attention.

now let me Google Translate that and see...

funny, Mr. Agwan Can not speak Norwegian, Should we start a class

so either that means they're going to start teaching it here... or Google sucks at translating.
well it loses something in the translation, but Dude, give me a break, I have to be able to speak English and Latin American Spanish, I grew up with a Caribbean French speaking grandmother and my Mother spoke fluent German, it is lucky I know what language I am speaking at any one time.
Why would I give my linguistic superiors a break?


I resent you!

I seriously need to learn a language besides Poor English... Japanish and spanish-nese top the list...
