
I dont think Warmoth does this body style, but here ya go

Boobala said:
Superbeast520 said:
Hey!.............arn't you guys forgetting somethin????............how ya gonna wipe????? :laughing7:


The real winner part of this deal is the turd shaped pickup mount.

It's a "Turdbucker"  :sad:
There was a site called bunnybass.com that had an awesome section entitled "Amusing Bass Archive" or something to that effect.  It had pages and pages of really strange guitars and basses and included the toilet w. turd guitar as well as the Wangcaster.  Not only were the guitars themselves amusing but the commentary they had for each entry was hysterical.  Sadly, the guy closed bunnybass in January and shut down the archive as well.  I spent hours on it laughing my butt off.  I think he should have left the archive up as a community service.

The irony is, if Warmoth introduced a poopcaster toilet seat body, it would outsell all their others combined. :help: