
I can't wrap my head around this


I need help with the best way to go about this. I know it MAY be a little overkill, but, so it goes.

So I am building a a double neck guitar. One with bass on top and guitar on bottom. I essentially want to run each of them to their respective amps individually, but also have options for interchangeability. Options including B and G on at same time and running to their individual amps. Also only B on and running to bass amp, then switch to only G on and running to its amp. I would also like the option of running B and G to both amps at the same time, meaning B to both amps and G to both amps, which may have to be done with a pedal for phasing issues and they do make ab pedals that do a 180 on the phasing. Also would like to switch and have B running to guitar amp and G running to bass amp.

Yeah, seems stupid, and it probably is, but that's the point here. I've thought about using 4 different aby foot switches with each instrument running into their own and then split to two reversed ones. Seems pricey tho and a lot of foot work. Also thought about many different combinations of switches on guitar. Such as toggle switches for each instrument running to a 3 way switch. Or running a 5 way, but I feel the 5 way would create noise when switching through things. I also am trying to learn all the options for a five way, which I will learn a little more when build just because the guitar itself will have one for it's own pickups. I feel there is a way to make it much easier and effective for fast switching, and less noise from switching through different settings.

Also, will the more switches I add in the line take away from the power of the pickups? I see some pedals have true bypass, and some aby switches even have a bit of a "lift" on the signal to take care of any loss? Is that something I have to take in consideration when thinking of installing multiple switches on the guitar?

I already have all the materials to do whatever it is I need. I just want to figure it out before I start routing out and drilling into the body.

If it's not easy to answer I understand if yall wanna leave this one alone. I just feel like I'm looking at one of brain teaser metal puzzles and there is some easy solution that I can't figure out.
I'd probably have one switch for each output jack? Each switch would have guitar/off/bass. Or am I over simplifying? You shouldn't lose signal strength through switches if they're regular switches with contacts. 
spe111 said:
I'd probably have one switch for each output jack? Each switch would have guitar/off/bass. Or am I over simplifying? You shouldn't lose signal strength through switches if they're regular switches with contacts.

hmmm.... that may work. And yeah, it seems like an oversimplification, which is kinda what I'm looking for. The only problem there is not being able to play both out of one input. Which could be fixed by putting 5 ways there? I may just have to drop a combination or two. But this is definitely a step in a different direction of thinking about it. Thanks!
I’d keep bass / guitar control circuits separate, feed them into a TRS cable [so only one output], into a TRS splitter box where you can use an A/B box to feed what ever amp. Then you don’t need to have extra switches on the body for bass / guitar selection as they’re on constantly. Mute with pedals or just plain volume down.
Frown said:
I’d keep bass / guitar control circuits separate, feed them into a TRS cable [so only one output], into a TRS splitter box where you can use an A/B box to feed what ever amp. Then you don’t need to have extra switches on the body for bass / guitar selection as they’re on constantly. Mute with pedals or just plain volume down.

Frown said:
I’d keep bass / guitar control circuits separate, feed them into a TRS cable [so only one output], into a TRS splitter box where you can use an A/B box to feed what ever amp. Then you don’t need to have extra switches on the body for bass / guitar selection as they’re on constantly. Mute with pedals or just plain volume down.

yeah i'm starting to think I should take a simpler route like this and then change it as I learn the instrument and get more of an idea what I really need.