
I’m rusty and need wiring help.


It’s been a couple years since I had the soldering iron working like this, but I built a Strat. HSH pickguard, SD Jazz neck, SD Vintage Rails N in the middle (coils hardwired parallel), DiMarzio Andy Timmons bridge. I thought I was supposed to reverse the wiring for the DiMarzio (so green is hot, red is ground) but something is way off when the selector is in bridge+middle. It is definitely the hardest phase cancellation I ever heard, or something is touching just wrong enough to bleed most of the output from that position on the switch. Before I take the darn strings off and tear it apart again, please remind me, somebody? Am I supposed to reverse all four leads from the Dimarzio AT-1 to make it “in-phase” with the Duncan Vintage Rails next to it? Matters further complicated by the fact that both neck and bridge have on/on/on mini toggles for series/split/parallel before they go to the 5-way selector. (1 meg vol with treble bleed, 250k no-load tone pot+.0033uF cap. Mini toggle for each neck and bridge, and a standard 5 way selector.) Anyone kind enough to generate a diagram of this, I will pay you in remote appreciation and vociferous thanks.
You could start with this diagram. Ignore the fact they are single coil size humbuckers.

The DM AT-1 I would not reverse the wires, just map the colour codes for DiMarzio to those of SD. e.g SD hot is black and DM red.

Note, in this diagram, it is the middle pickup that has the wires swapped for phase purposes.

Takeaway, wire the bridge and neck normally, try the middle both ways and go with the one that works the best.

If the on/on/on mini toggles are wired correctly, this should still apply.

Mr. Mania, thank you. You are always kind and helpful. I’m pretty sure the AT-1 is just reversed, as I made sure to solder it in that way. The mini toggles are working correctly. I do it wrong so well.
Mr. Mania, thank you. You are always kind and helpful. I’m pretty sure the AT-1 is just reversed, as I made sure to solder it in that way. The mini toggles are working correctly. I do it wrong so well.

Then swap it around so it is wired standardly and if so all should be good.