In Australia the jury selection process differs from State to State.
In my state of New South Wales, you are sent a jury summons first. There is a whole list of reasons you can claim exemption from presenting yourself on the day. Same as the smoking gun article, you have to file a document to the court stating your reasons for exemption.
When I was younger, I got a jury summons 3 years in succession. They have a poll of eligible persons & stay with that until the poll gets too low then they redraw another, from what I was told. The trick if any, was not to qualify for inclusion on any poll.
There are a list of professions and circumstances that do disqualify you from being summonsed for jury duty.
I found out if you became a Justice of the Peace, you would automatically be excluded as your role as a JP is to witness (notarise) documents that could end up in court. In those days, you merely had to be over 18 and have no criminal record to qualify as a JP. So I did that and was left alone.
Later on I went into a profession that also excluded me from jury service (Federal Law enforcement).
A friend's father told me (when I was always having these jury summons to attend to) that the quickest way to be 'challenged' by a lawyer in a court case was to turn up looking like the worst used car salesman, dressed in loud shirt, way out of date suit or a very cheap one, the tie that definitely doesn't match the shirt, slick back the hair and wear sunglasses. He did that when he really needed to be excused one time, but had no lawful excuse, and he was challenged the minute he stood up to answer his name!
Since leaving federal law enforcement my name hasn't come up yet, and my JP qualifications have lapsed since they revamped that system a few years back.