bpmorton777 said:
anger management is needed
haha! Yes!
Actually, my wife made an interesting observation: I'm usually such a NON-angry, easy-going guy. The only other time I had such a terrible temper was when I was in Egypt a year ago after taking some prescription sleeping pills to sleep through the long flight.
Flash forward to last week: I had such a frustrating, embarrassing time at my first rehearsal with the Warmoth. It sounded bad and wouldn't stay in tune after so much work on it. I couldn't sleep that night because I was too upset about the state of the Warmoth. So I decided to take another one of those sleeping pills. The next day I was just weird. Angry and irrational and doing all sorts of things that made no sense.
I don't blame Warmoth. The parts they sent were perfect. It was my own fault for getting too ambitious with my first build. And I wasted so much time with that stupid Sustainiac driver. So I really couldn't stand the thought of having to level frets and file nuts and experiment with more pickups (especially when having the Sustainiac makes swapping bridge pickups a bit harder). I just wanted to PLAY the thing already.
Now if I were thinking with a clear head, I would have cut my losses, removed the Sustainiac, put the thing away for a couple of months, and started over with simpler electronics. But I *wasn't* thinking. I had just slipped into primal bam bam mentality.
I may try again. I did love those pieces.
It's really not that difficult after lessons from first-time mistakes. For example, I had wasted time by ordering the wrong pots. They were too short and wouldn't clear the 1/8" maple veneer. So I had to waste another week waiting for longer pots to be shipped. Now if I did it again and had the right pots on hand, it would be no problem. But having to waste 2 weeks to install 4 pots isn't my idea of fun. Multiply that by pretty much every step of the project.
And it was especially frustrating for me because I didn't really get into this looking for a PROJECT. I just wanted a GUITAR. The only reason I went with Warmoth is because it seemed the only way to get the guitar exactly as I wanted. Otherwise, I don't find drilling and such to be fun--I find it to be work.
So it was really just a series of bad decisions on my part.