
How many pieces are Warmoth Strat bodies in general?

Orpheo said:
and why les pauls? because they're the hottest looking guitars, in the world. PERIOD.

ONE of the hottest looking guitars in the world. The Stratocaster is the other one. That shape is timeless, not to mention more comfortable to play.
Orpheo said:
and why les pauls? because they're the hottest looking guitars, in the world. PERIOD.

and why warmoth? because they make the best guitars in the world. PERIOD.

The Warmoth thing goes without saying, at least here and with anyone who's ever seen/played any of mine. But, as much as I hate to admit it, I agree with the former as well. What looks better than a Les Paul? Nothing. It's like the Corvette of guitars - just plain ol' perfect. Any year, any finish, any option set. Unfortunately, I just can't play one. I've owned 'em and loved 'em, but had to get rid of 'em because they just sat in the stand begging for attention they never got when a Strat was sitting right next to 'em.

Chances are, I'll get another one. Can't help myself. And, chances are, I'll sell the damnable thing. What can I say? I'm weak <grin>
Street Avenger said:
Orpheo said:
and why les pauls? because they're the hottest looking guitars, in the world. PERIOD.

ONE of the hottest looking guitars in the world. The Stratocaster is the other one. That shape is timeless, not to mention more comfortable to play.

agreed, the strat is timeless. but the les paul just oozes class to me. the carved top, the 2 piece bridge (hell, a LP looks sweet with a floyd!) but a strat hot-looking? nah. thats like saying heidi montag looks hot. no, she's just a p-covered thingy, nothing more. I prefer something more natural ;)

and the idea that a strat plays or feels more comfortable? nah. I just cant wrap myself around a strat. literally. the way the strings are positioned, relative to the body, makes it for me that a LP is unbeatable.
I would appreciate when a body in the showcase is more than 2 pieces to mention it. Just like they do with 1 piece bodies. Also to price it accordingly. Just like they do with 1 piece bodies.

Warmoth is a company making custom parts. When I think of custom I always think of better quality. I assume all bodies are 2 pieces except the rare 1 piece. I was surprised when I read a couple years ago they also do 3 & 4 piece bodies. At least mention it and let the customer decide if he/she wants to purchase it.
Kostas said:
I would appreciate when a body in the showcase is more than 2 pieces to mention it. Just like they do with 1 piece bodies. Also to price it accordingly. Just like they do with 1 piece bodies.

Warmoth is a company making custom parts. When I think of custom I always think of better quality. I assume all bodies are 2 pieces except the rare 1 piece. I was surprised when I read a couple years ago they also do 3 & 4 piece bodies. At least mention it and let the customer decide if he/she wants to purchase it.
you mean like discount the bodies from order price?  seems to me if you wanted a true custom piece, you'd order it that way.
AutoBat said:
you mean like discount the bodies from order price?  seems to me if you wanted a true custom piece, you'd order it that way.

What is a true custom body? Some of the showcase bodies are unfinished and unrouted so you can customize the way you want. Or they are routed and finished already how you want. Yes, I suggest they charge accordingly (like they charge 1 piece bodies) and mention how many pieces a body is.