
How many coats of lacquer to be safe with the warranty?


Junior Member
Recently bought a mahogany neck and I finished it with 8 coats of satin clear lacquer and left it to cure. I like the feel that way and if seems to cover the wood well enough.

But then I saw a picture of someone else's neck which is basically the same as mine, and it had a thick glossy almost plasticky finish and it leaves me wondering if I should add a few more coats...
I'm used to maple necks, maybe mahogany needs more?
Or maybe Warmoth just puts way too much finish on their glossy necks?
I don't think a satin finish is supposed to be as glossy as a true gloss finish...unless it's been played a ton and polished up naturally over time.  I have a Warmoth gloss finish on my maple neck and it doesn't feel thick.  Certainly not compared to my Epi Les Paul.

Did you grain fill the mahogany?

I should think 8 coats of lacquer, whether satin or glossy, satisfies both the letter and the spirit of "ya gotta have a hard finish to keep the warranty valid" requirement.  But I'd call Warmoth if you want it straight from the horse's mouth.

SixString said:
I don't think a satin finish is supposed to be as glossy as a true gloss finish...unless it's been played a ton and polished up naturally over time.  I have a Warmoth gloss finish on my maple neck and it doesn't feel thick.  Certainly not compared to my Epi Les Paul.

Did you grain fill the mahogany?

Not so much the glossiness, but on that glossy neck you could really see that there was a good coating of poly protecting it from the outside. Mine is like a satin Fender neck, it still looks like wood but there is imho enough nitro on it that you're not touching the wood but rather the thin coat of laccquer.

I'm a weirdo that like the look of non grain-filled mahogany (plus it matches my body hehehe) but I did grain-fill the back for a better feel (so really just the head is not grain-filled)