
How long time...


Hero Member
Hello everyone,
I'm writing from Italy and immediately I ask forgiveness for my very bad English  :sad1:
My dream is to build (one day) a replica of the unfamous pensa-suhr red of  Mark Knopfler (neck&neck cover LP).
To be honest, I have both the EMG pickups and floyd rose tremolo (including NUT), all black, so I have to buy *only* a body and a neck.
But I have some doubts:
ok for body and neck from showcase section, but how long should I wait for routine work such as pickup rout, holes for the pivots bridge, or installation frets (SS) on the neck and floyd nut?
For Italians: warmoth online accepts postepay?
Thanks in advance to all  :icon_thumright:
Well, my body took only three or four weeks to get to me, and i'm in Australia. It had to be roted when I ordered it, so thee was a waiting time (as well as shipping time).

Welcome to the board!  :icon_thumright:
I confess, I am a compulsive buyer.
That's why I hoped we needed less time (I want my guitar ...NOW  :binkybaby:)
Thanks for the welcome
Bodies and necks in the showcase should not be held up too long waiting for your routing to be done and it should be with you, probably about the same time frame as it took for the body to get to Australia for Wana.

That sort of waiting time is far less than if you went into a Pensa-Suhr accredited store and asked them to order in a Mark Knopfler type model or if you had someone in Italy build it for you custom. The only quicker time I could think of, is if you were lucky to see a Mark Knopfler type model of Pensa-Suhr in a store & bought it immediately.