
Hot as .....

Day after tomorrow the forcast is for wind chill below zee-ro....got a guest hammock, Murray? :-\
Black Dog said:
When I lived in Kansas, I used to get up an hour early in the morning just to shovel my driveway.
Then while I was at work, the snow plow would come by and cover it all back up again.
Cold weather sucks...

Where did you live in Kansas? I grew up near Salina, then lived in Lawrence for about 6 years.
SlartiBartfast said:
Black Dog said:
When I lived in Kansas, I used to get up an hour early in the morning just to shovel my driveway.
Then while I was at work, the snow plow would come by and cover it all back up again.
Cold weather sucks...

Where did you live in Kansas? I grew up near Salina, then lived in Lawrence for about 6 years.

Small world...
I grew up in Wichita and lived there until I was 16.  I too lived in Lawrence for about 2 years. 
I really loved Lawrence; a very cool little place.  Man, I had some wild times in that town. 
It would have been 73' & 74' if my memory serves me correct. 
But then my memory was not so good during those years...  :toothy12:
When did you live in LA?

line6man said:
Meanwhile, Southern Californians are freezing to death right now. At 37 degrees F, the other day, I had to take out my space heater. :help: :help:

No kidding.  My rainbuckets froze, and a bunch of the plants in our front yard froze and died.  There was ice all over my car last week!  That is freakishly cold for So Cal.  My cats refused to go outside for a few days.
I does not usually get to cold here but we have experience some near record lows last week.

In fact it got so cold I saw a worm crawl out of the ground and steal the fur off a caterpillar.
Tonar8353 said:
I does not usually get to cold here but we have experience some near record lows last week.

In fact it got so cold I saw a worm crawl out of the ground and steal the fur off a caterpillar.

Hee hee hee haw! :laughing7:

Updown, in Melbourne we only need to wait a day or two for relief. Last Thursday was 39 celsius at 9pm when the poor tennis players were playing at the Australian Open. I went to the Tennis on Friday night and at 9pm we were freezing our tits off. Had to go to the Casino for some warmth......my Cousin from Croatia is here and says when it is summer at home its one tempeature- hot. She cant believe the cool changes we have here.......
SlartiBartfast said:
Black Dog said:
When I lived in Kansas, I used to get up an hour early in the morning just to shovel my driveway.
Then while I was at work, the snow plow would come by and cover it all back up again.
Cold weather sucks...

Where did you live in Kansas? I grew up near Salina, then lived in Lawrence for about 6 years.

Hey SlartiBartfast, I just realized something else.  What is the story behind your avatar name???

I'd guess it's named after the Douglas Adams character, a designer of planets. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slartibartfast
AutoBat said:
I'd guess it's named after the Douglas Adams character, a designer of planets. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slartibartfast

Ah, your probably correct!  Not where I was headed at all.  Never mind :confused4:

Holy Crap  :doh:

More records broken, this time flooding. WTF is going on !!

From one extreme to the other ..... It's bucketing down and I mean bucketing down.
The whole eastern side of Oz has copped a hiding. (still is)
I feel like I'm in London right now  :tard:

Now .... what could be hiding in the sea foam  :laughing7:  ..... Wait for it
Black Dog,

I lived in good ol' Larryville from 2003 to 2009, then moved to Colorado for 4 years, and finally arrived in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon) last August. Lawrence is a pretty great little town, especially considering that it's in Kansas. My username here is an homage to the late great Douglas Adams! Where was your mind leading you to instead?
SlartiBartfast said:
Black Dog,

I lived in good ol' Larryville from 2003 to 2009, then moved to Colorado for 4 years, and finally arrived in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon) last August. Lawrence is a pretty great little town, especially considering that it's in Kansas. My username here is an homage to the late great Douglas Adams! Where was your mind leading you to instead?

Yes, Kansas has very little to offer as far as great places to live.  But Lawrence is a pretty cool little town, but it would likely not be what it is without KU.
I had forgotten all about that character; it has it been awhile since I read that.  I was looking at the "Bart" part of that avatar, and not remembering the book, I thought maybe your name was Bart.
My first name is also Bart...
You must love it out there in Oregon!  I have not been there for many years, but that is some beautiful country.