
Holes to big for pots.


Senior Member
I wasn't sure where to put this so sorry if this is in the wrong place. My question is: what do you do if the holes on your guitar are to big for the pot shaft?
I have had this happen. Got some pots that were non standard and a bit too small for the hole. I just used some washers and it worked fine. The trick is so to find a nice thin washer for the top. It doesn't matter under the guard or inside the guitar but you will need a thin one for the top so the knob will sit as flush as possible. Some small local guitar shop may have some of this type hardware on hand and be able to help you out.

Velcro said:
My question is: what do you do if the holes on your guitar are to big for the pot shaft?

There are about 70 bajillion different styles and sizes of washers available at McMaster-Carr. If you can't find what you want there, I don't know where you'd find it.

The other thing you might consider is replacing the pots. Generally speaking, they're not expensive, and a new pot is usually a Good Thing.
I've had this problem before, especially when using push-pull pots. I like to take some small o-rings (available at any hardware store) and put them around the pot shaft so they fit snug in the holes. Usually the washer and nut that come with the pot are big enough to cover the larger hole as long as the pot stays centered. The o-ring is probably overkill, but it makes me feel better.  :icon_smile: