High Grade Quilt Maple? (D@MN YOU FRANK MONTAG!)


Senior Member
I read a couple posts recently in a few different discussions that said high grade quilt maple is rising in cost and/or Warmoth isn't doin' quilt maple right now. Anybody know what's the forecast on that? How long will it be before we can get 5A Quilt again? Thanks to that Frank Montag website I got an idea for a Les Paul that I just gotta get out of my head and into my hands.  Let me know what up y'all.

They told me when I asked a while ago that they could do 5a quilt laminate over regular maple and that noone could tell the difference. Dunno if this helps you.
Actually I just called today and ordered a custom strat with 5a and as far as I know they will be able to fill my request. The sales person I spoke to said they no longer have the tooling necessary to do the carved top quilt maple. I don't know what is needed but he said it would be a while so if there is anything in the showcase (LP's) you been looking at you may need to snatch them up. Maybe Greg can lend credance to what I have just said
ocguy106 said:
Actually I just called today and ordered a custom strat with 5a and as far as I know they will be able to fill my request. The sales person I spoke to said they no longer have the tooling necessary to do the carved top quilt maple. I don't know what is needed but he said it would be a while so if there is anything in the showcase (LP's) you been looking at you may need to snatch them up. Maybe Greg can lend credance to what I have just said

I guess I should've narrowed it down to carved tops. Anyone know when we'll be seeing carved top quilt maple again?
jalbertochavez said:
ocguy106 said:
Actually I just called today and ordered a custom strat with 5a and as far as I know they will be able to fill my request. The sales person I spoke to said they no longer have the tooling necessary to do the carved top quilt maple. I don't know what is needed but he said it would be a while so if there is anything in the showcase (LP's) you been looking at you may need to snatch them up. Maybe Greg can lend credance to what I have just said

I guess I should've narrowed it down to carved tops. Anyone know when we'll be seeing carved top quilt maple again?

perhaps never. those tops are expensive, and I think you will only find them in local woodshops or small builders, not wat W's anymore. they're thinking about the future too. I'm lucky to have 2 quilt tops, eventhough I dont like quilt, haha (only the colors on the tops)
Methinks something got lost in the translation here:

"Actually I just called today and ordered a custom strat with 5a and as far as I know they will be able to fill my request. The sales person I spoke to said they no longer have the tooling necessary to do the carved top quilt maple."

There's no tooling for carved-top STRATs, I didn't know there ever was; there is a Soloist carve top option.

Quilted maple is in ever shorter supply, and pieces thick enough to do a carve top shorter still, ergo the "Call for price" for Quilt laminate top body pricing. In the past I've seen a couple of SOLID flame maple bodies at huge pricing.

If you want a quilt carved top on a body that COMES with a quilt top option, call and check availability/pricing

what I was saying is that I ordered my quilt top and had not prob...as a side note we were talking about LP's and the sales person informed me that they don't have the means to produce any of the carved top guitars. Of course the strat is not a carve top.