Help Me Proofread My ENTIRE BUILD - PT. 2


Junior Member
OK, since my last attempt was a fail, I think I'll have the whole thing built by Warmoth to be safe.

Please list any incompatibilities that you find here, and much appreciated. Most notably anything with the neck not being compatible with the body. AGAIN.  :laughing7:


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you have select recessed bridge , so not much problem to lower the bridge for 720 mod , be careful to check neck screw length not too long.

maple neck with maple fingerboard need finish on fingerboard too,  unless it Roasted maple .

even you don't minds it getting dirty, the climate change can made it not stable.
Freakoftheweek75 said:
the body need to select 24 fret in neck pickup if you have 24 fret .

Thank you!

any reason for 720 mod in neck pockets? if not select standard start pockets .

My understanding is the 720 mod allows more access for upper fret playing ease?

why no finish on maple neck ?

I was under the impression that referred to the back of the neck only, not the fingerboard.

If you are ordering a 24 fret neck the body needs to be ordered so that the neck pickup rout has a 24 fret reposition.

The 720 mod does not provide easier upper fret access. It just means the neck sits lower in the neck pocket. This mod Warmoth may be discontinuing, but this needs to be confirmed.

I would suggest you contact Warmoth sales about your options as that is partly what they are there for to help with these types of queries.

Additionally a 10-16" radius is a correct match for the radius of a Floyd Rose nut.
Freaky you need to get yourself some guitar repair books like dan erlwine s guitar player repair guide.  An old version will cost you like five bucks on Amazon. Start your library there.
As others have covered, the neck pickup needs to have the 24 fret option applied, otherwise your 24th fret is going to overhang the pickup route and you won't be able to fit the pickup in.

As for the 720 mod, it does help high fret access in that in means the total depth from the very back of the pocket/heel to the very tip of the fretwire is slimmer. However, it's a difference of only about 2mm. If you couldn't reach around the heel before, the 720 mod won't make it any easier. It's really there for the aesthetics, not function. Speaking of which, though the total wood depth is smaller, your strings will usually end up having to sit higher since the bridge isn't lowered as well. It's roughly the same kind of distance difference as you get with a non-recessed Floyd, i.e. the neck has to be angled or you have to have higher action, pick your poison. I do like and often order the 720 mod for the clean look with fixed bridges which are easy to work with, but I wouldn't bother with any vibrato bridge; it's too much of a hassle to then get the heights of everything else all matched up.

All that said... other than the inlays, there's nothing on your list here which you wouldn't get from a standard Mayones, Ibanez, ESP, Schecter, Jackson, Charvel, Kramer, etc guitar for a lower price, even at the same MIA/MIJ quality. Seems a bit odd to me to bother with the cost and hassle of putting together a custom parts build for something which, fretboard inlays aside, is so standard. A black HH superstrat with a Floyd and a thin neck hardly suggests "had to go custom". Unless having the skull & bones is that critical to you, you should probably take a closer look at existing models out there, or go more custom with Warmoth to really justify the effort. I've put together a few friends' rather pedestrian orders and every time they've been happy with the resulting guitars but openly questioned why they bothered vs just buying a regular Fender or PRS or whatever. Of my own Warmoth (and/or other parts companies) builds, I also started off making the most run-of-the-mill guitars and all of those I ended up ditching, separating out and reselling the parts of; the ones I've kept have been the real custom jobs, bodies and necks which are completely different to what you can get off-the-shelf. Especially when someone is questioning their own build so much, it just makes me think a regular production guitar will likely be more worthwhile for you.
Oddly enough, about an hour after I posted this question - I just realized the very same thing. I'll revisit a custom built someday when it's something way out of the box. But I have a tribute band getting off the ground more quickly than I thought it would.  We have media and promo to be produced around the time this Warmoth build would maybe be halfway through production.

I REALLY wanted the CBS reverse headstock but with a wizard profile neck. But I realized a Charvel was more than close enough to what I was going for and skull and crossbone inlays and a cool reverse headstock are just not enough to justify 12-15 or more week's wait when this will be here Friday. Not to mention this will end up being about 1/2 the price.

Thank you all for your help regardless!

Ace Flibble said:
As others have covered, the neck pickup needs to have the 24 fret option applied, otherwise your 24th fret is going to overhang the pickup route and you won't be able to fit the pickup in.

As for the 720 mod, it does help high fret access in that in means the total depth from the very back of the pocket/heel to the very tip of the fretwire is slimmer. However, it's a difference of only about 2mm. If you couldn't reach around the heel before, the 720 mod won't make it any easier. It's really there for the aesthetics, not function. Speaking of which, though the total wood depth is smaller, your strings will usually end up having to sit higher since the bridge isn't lowered as well. It's roughly the same kind of distance difference as you get with a non-recessed Floyd, i.e. the neck has to be angled or you have to have higher action, pick your poison. I do like and often order the 720 mod for the clean look with fixed bridges which are easy to work with, but I wouldn't bother with any vibrato bridge; it's too much of a hassle to then get the heights of everything else all matched up.

All that said... other than the inlays, there's nothing on your list here which you wouldn't get from a standard Mayones, Ibanez, ESP, Schecter, Jackson, Charvel, Kramer, etc guitar for a lower price, even at the same MIA/MIJ quality. Seems a bit odd to me to bother with the cost and hassle of putting together a custom parts build for something which, fretboard inlays aside, is so standard. A black HH superstrat with a Floyd and a thin neck hardly suggests "had to go custom". Unless having the skull & bones is that critical to you, you should probably take a closer look at existing models out there, or go more custom with Warmoth to really justify the effort. I've put together a few friends' rather pedestrian orders and every time they've been happy with the resulting guitars but openly questioned why they bothered vs just buying a regular Fender or PRS or whatever. Of my own Warmoth (and/or other parts companies) builds, I also started off making the most run-of-the-mill guitars and all of those I ended up ditching, separating out and reselling the parts of; the ones I've kept have been the real custom jobs, bodies and necks which are completely different to what you can get off-the-shelf. Especially when someone is questioning their own build so much, it just makes me think a regular production guitar will likely be more worthwhile for you.
Ace Flibble said:
As for the 720 mod, it does help high fret access in that in means the total depth from the very back of the pocket/heel to the very tip of the fretwire is slimmer. However, it's a difference of only about 2mm. If you couldn't reach around the heel before, the 720 mod won't make it any easier. It's really there for the aesthetics, not function.

All true, accept if that difference of depth which you mention won't make it easier to reach around the heel and it is only there for aesthetics and not function, then it can not possibly assist high fret access in the sense of being able to gain access in a similar manner due to the cutaway of the horns. It might feel slightly different but that is not the ability to access the frets along the necks length.

I stand by what I said it does not assist access to the higher frets along the length of the neck.
