Death by Uberschall said:Never seen those before. Look to be a proprietary design. Probably made by or for the maker of the guitar. Anything could be sitting inside those covers. :dontknow:
big bob said:Death by Uberschall said:Never seen those before. Look to be a proprietary design. Probably made by or for the maker of the guitar. Anything could be sitting inside those covers. :dontknow:
They are off a heritage H-120, heritage is the old gibson employees in the old gibson factory, I'm kinda thinking they used some old gibson pups. as the only ones like this I can fin are on the gibson l-6s deluxe
any body ever had one..
jackthehack said:I don't think very many of those L-6s deluxes were ever built (per Wiki total run was 3500 units), L-6s Customs were much more prevalent, but had different pickups than that:
L-6s Custom:
L-6s Deluxe:
hannaugh said:That looks like a Les Paul that needs to lay off the Ben & Jerry's.
=CB= said:The rings are a design that Gibson used in the 70's. The third screw to adjust the angle of things. Since they used those rings, odds are the pickup is also Gibson.
I "thought" those pickup rings were used on only the high end models. I've got a picture of the white maple/ebony/gold "The Les Paul" guitar, one of the most expensive ever made by Gibby... and it has those rings. Also the L5s, in one of its incarnations was also fitted with those rings. The fact that you have plastic covers... could be they were recovered, or used on a lower end and or stylistically oriented guitar. Interesting to say the least.
No, it's Pauls Brother, Bill. :laughing7:Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:hannaugh said:That looks like a Les Paul that needs to lay off the Ben & Jerry's.
Or a "More" Paul.