
Hello All


Junior Member
Hay there, New to the board. I've been lurking over my friend Adama's shoulder for a while. Probably won't be able to get the project(s) going for a while. But.. I've learned so much from you guys already I had to say thanks. The candy store thing can be real daunting but you've given me the inspiration and courage to go ahead and try to build the dream whenever i can. Being a colllge student I'm not sure when the money will come in but i'd love to build a pair of strats: a Buddy Holly-type thing with lots of chime. And a early Ike turner "rocket 88" thing with a little snarl..
Hey, welcome!
You could use my method; buy one piece at a time. It'll get done eventually, but may be easier than all at once.
Max thanks for the reply. And it's a good idea. The semesters starting and MAAAn.. textbooks are expensive. You know i have one prof who writes his own, makes the student buy it as a text, and then updates it every year so you can't used a previously owned edition. (sigh) guess i'm back to the trick of scanning a buddy's straight into the PC. oh well  :glasses10: but yeah one piece at time might be the best idea. I'm really eying a neck or to to self-finish with tung. CB's sold me on the idea.
I'm finishing my own guitar. A telecaster. Butterscotch blonde. about $70 in materials, as opposed to at least $180 for warmoth. I'm sure theirs is better quality, though.
If it's a "classic" strat, won't be that expensive... as our good friend Max said, go buying things slowly...
In this way you can make even better, because usually when $$$ is short you make more compromises buying in a shot...

Good luck and welcome to the forum!
+1, they've been putting poplar strat bodies on there for under $130.

Welcome to the board :)