
Happy Epic 3 Month Late Birthday to Me

Damnit, it's soo damn hot already here. I went out to ride this afternoon, but the temperature didn't drop below 30, and then the wind picked up so much so that is wasn't safe. Then we lost power for about 2 1/2 hours. Not that that last part really mattered.

I've got one more chance to take this bike out for a ride, then I'm going away for a week.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
They don't import oil there.  +1 Brazil.

We do not import petroleum... kind of, but we do import "power gas" and diesel while sell gasoline... it's more propaganda than auto-sufficienty...

Wana's made a guitar said:
Ah, yes. You guys there also have those insane import taxes and such.

Yes, even the taxes to national products are high, every car is taxed about 68%.... I don't like even to think in how much taxes I pay and how much little things I get back...

Here is hotter than hell these days, you sweat while still watching TV :tard:
Belated Happy Birthday!

NonsenseTele said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
They don't import oil there.  +1 Brazil.

We do not import petroleum... kind of, but we do import "power gas" and diesel while sell gasoline... it's more propaganda than auto-sufficienty...

Wana's made a guitar said:
Ah, yes. You guys there also have those insane import taxes and such.

Yes, even the taxes to national products are high, every car is taxed about 68%.... I don't like even to think in how much taxes I pay and how much little things I get back...

Here is hotter than hell these days, you sweat while still watching TV :tard:
I hear its about 13C in England.  j/k  :icon_biggrin: