Happy Birthday Mr. Les Paul

I wish I had my LP to play today in his honor hahaha.

seriously though, the guy is amazing and it's hard to imagine what music would have been like today if he hadn't be around
This reminds me that I've gotta get to NYC and see him play at the Iridium sometime... before it's too late.
"seriously though, the guy is amazing and it's hard to imagine what music would have been like today if he hadn't be around"

Jimmy Page would be known for his Telecaster.

he did a lot more than just the "Les Paul" -  his inovations on recording and effects alone made a huge impact on music.
i knew that...i was just being a smart-ass  :laughing7:

the first time I saw him on TV he had some crazy metal box with knobs and buttons fastened to the bottom of his guitar that did acompaniement...it was amazing what he was doing with this thing and his guitar.
