
handmade guitar hangers

Eric Banjitar

Senior Member
I built these hangers many years ago from mahogany, maple and paduak. The fingers of the hangers were filed-out and felted for each instrument. Drywall screws hold the maple from the back-side. They are strong enough that I have hung from them.

Anybody else build their own?


I've heard that putting guitars on hangers is not very good for them. No idea if that's true though.

I was about to get a bunch of them made & have my wall covered with them so I can hang all of my guitars in my living room & have access to them easily, but got scared that they may somehow get damaged from the hangers & just got a 10 space rack instead.

I'll take a pic today & post it. Doesn't look nearly as cool as having your wall covered with guitars, that's for sure.
Guitars are sensitive to temperature and humidity changes, yes. I am not sure that hanging them from their necks (although it sounds bad) is actually bad for them.  Either way...I dont care.  Hanging them in my living space makes them easy to get to and I use them as art. Functional art. I use a humidifier in winter and am careful to keep them out of direct sunlight.  I want them to be secure and available.  I think that is best for ME. The guitars will be fine.
Doughboy said:
I've heard that putting guitars on hangers is not very good for them. No idea if that's true though.
I have hung my 79 Gibby LP for about 20 years now with no ill affect.
I think it's the rubber/plastic on the hanger arms that can damage/discolour guitar finishes, especially nitro. This is not true for all hangers so some research into compability is probably good before purchase.
I use felt to protect the guitar from the hanger.  I have seen many of those cheap rubber tubing stands fail or degrade.  The rubber actually saturates and dries to the point of falling off. Please do not use a $20 stand to hold a priceless instrument. I personally think that the commecially available wall-hangers are ugly.  :sad:
k-k-kboooman said:
I think it's the rubber/plastic on the hanger arms that can damage/discolour guitar finishes, especially nitro. This is not true for all hangers so some research into compability is probably good before purchase.

Agreed. I've seen the rubber on a guitar stand melt through finish in no time.
I always lay pieces of cloth over the rubber on guitar stands now.

Eric Banjitar said:
Please do not use a $20 stand to hold a priceless instrument.

Please use raw necks instead of finished necks. They feel better, sound better, play better ... and yes ... you can hang them from commercially available wall-hangers (ugly or not) without issues  :sign13:

Your home-made hangers are beautiful.  :icon_thumright:
I opted for this rather than the wall hangers. This way all my Warmoths are out within reach.

Eric Banjitar said:
Nice! I like the rainbow arrangement. You need a black one.

I agree!!

My next build, which just arrived, will be AAAAA Quilt maple black dyed soloist.
I got the e-book from Paint Your Own Guitar.com's site a few years ago.
They work great, you can make each one for about $1.00 each, but I actually prefer your design more.
Doughboy said:
I opted for this rather than the wall hangers. This way all my Warmoths are out within reach.

I like that stand. Nice and simple. Who makes those?
I've got a 5-place rack that looks very much like that. However, now that I keep a guitar in the living room and the bedroom (I gained a music room when the gf and I moved in to our new apartment), there's an empty slot. New Warmoth time perhaps?  :laughing7:

Back at my parents' place, I've got two wall hangers that I made out of those inexpensive garden tool hangers. Painted 'em black, wrapped 'em in clear plastic tubing and hung 'em over my bed. My first guitar still hangs there, and the finish has never been affected.
Jonesey said:
I've got a 5-place rack that looks very much like that. However, now that I keep a guitar in the living room and the bedroom (I gained a music room when the gf and I moved in to our new apartment), there's an empty slot. New Warmoth time perhaps?  :laughing7:

Back at my parents' place, I've got two wall hangers that I made out of those inexpensive garden tool hangers. Painted 'em black, wrapped 'em in clear plastic tubing and hung 'em over my bed. My first guitar still hangs there, and the finish has never been affected.

Nitrocellulose lacquer finishes are the ones that can be damaged by plastic or rubber.  The modern poly finishes used by many manufacturers (including Warmoth) are not affected by rubber or plastic. In my opinion the poly finishes are more durable overall even apart from the finish melt issue.

If there is any doubt its best to protect the guitar with a cloth because it doesn't look good when the finish melts.
Doughboy said:
Cagey said:
Doughboy said:
I opted for this rather than the wall hangers. This way all my Warmoths are out within reach.

I like that stand. Nice and simple. Who makes those?

It's the Warwick 9 Multiple Guitar Rack Stand.

Thanks. I'm having trouble finding them, though. It seems everyone has 5 and 7 position stands, but no 9s. Do you remember where you got it?
Hm. Could've sworn I went to that site, but maybe not. In any event, thanks!